Casey Anthony found not guilty of her murder charge

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A lot of people are angry and this presents an outlet for that anger.

No, I think people got really emotionally involved in the case and wanted to see justice be done for the child. A baby was murder and the killer was the mother , society has a heartbeat and this case got to the core of society. It take a village to raise a child and this time the village failed a child. People could be feeling that is could not save this child at least give her justice .
I do not agree with you.
Let me take you to family court on child protective hearing days. You can put your righteous anger to work. There are many children abused and neglected in our society. People just choose to stick up for this one because she was cute and white.
And that was not enough evidence to convict beyond a reasonable doubt. No matter how you try to twist it.

Smell does not prove murder, nor does the DNA. She was the child's mother. That DNA could have gotten there in any number of ways.

No, it could only have gotten in the trunk of the car one way. So did the outline of her daughter's body.

People are not trying to convict Casey Anthony due to a "mob mentality" or because they think she was a "bad mother". People want Casey Anthony convicted because she killed her daughter.
Let me take you to family court on child protective hearing days. You can put your righteous anger to work. There are many children abused and neglected in our society. People just choose to stick up for this one because she was cute and white.

Let me take you to family court on child protective hearing days. You can put your righteous anger to work. There are many children abused and neglected in our society. People just choose to stick up for this one because she was cute and white.

I am very aware of the number children being abused and I know White kids get more attention than Black kids. You're not telling me anything new! My friend I tried to save a baby that was being abused by his mother years ago. But no one would listen to us! The boy drowned in a pond when was around 2 years old. The news media knew this would sell news papers and make money.
You do not know I damn a thing about me ! I have head horror stories about kids that are been abused sexually and physically ! I was speaking up for Blacks people long before you where!
You missed my point. Your energy would be better spent another way. The older I get, the more I save my energy for what really counts.
Let me take you to family court on child protective hearing days. You can put your righteous anger to work. There are many children abused and neglected in our society. People just choose to stick up for this one because she was cute and white.

Oh, boy, are you right on that one. If people want to work for justice for abused kids, there are plenty of them out there that are not receiving justice.
You missed my point. Your energy would be better spent another way. The older I get, the more I save my energy for what really counts.

I hope that is a lesson I learn one day.:giggle:
No, it could only have gotten in the trunk of the car one way. So did the outline of her daughter's body.

People are not trying to convict Casey Anthony due to a "mob mentality" or because they think she was a "bad mother". People want Casey Anthony convicted because she killed her daughter.

Ummm, it's over. Nothing we can do now but move on.
No, it could only have gotten in the trunk of the car one way. So did the outline of her daughter's body.

People are not trying to convict Casey Anthony due to a "mob mentality" or because they think she was a "bad mother". People want Casey Anthony convicted because she killed her daughter.

Still doesn't prove that she murdered the child. You just don't get it, do you? You are seeing only one explanation for things, and in real life, there are numerous possible explanations. You keep bringing up things that you think prove murder that don't even come close.
There is NO EVIDENCE that she murdered her child. Thankfully, I live in a country that still believes I am innocent until PROVEN guilty regardless of the mass public opinion.
Still doesn't prove that she murdered the child. You just don't get it, do you? You are seeing only one explanation for things, and in real life, there are numerous possible explanations. You keep bringing up things that you think prove murder that don't even come close.

No, you still don't get it. In real life, when a child goes missing, every single last mother I know, flips out and calls 911. They do not wait a month to report it.

Casey Anthony murdered her child. Very real forensic pathologists said so. The judge that ruled in this trial was absolutely shocked from the verdict.

Why would he be shocked? Because she is in real life .... very guilty.
No, you still don't get it. In real life, when a child goes missing, every single last mother I know, flips out and calls 911. They do not wait a month to report it.

Casey Anthony murdered her child. Very real forensic pathologists said so. The judge that ruled in this trial was absolutely shocked from the verdict.

Why would he be shocked? Because she is in real life .... very guilty.

At least she is not gnashing her teeth in impotent rage the way you are.
No, you still don't get it. In real life, when a child goes missing, every single last mother I know, flips out and calls 911. They do not wait a month to report it.

Casey Anthony murdered her child. Very real forensic pathologists said so. The judge that ruled in this trial was absolutely shocked from the verdict.

Why would he be shocked? Because she is in real life .... very guilty.

The mothers you know are not representative of the entire population of the U.S. And not reporting her missing is still not proof that she murdered the child. All it proves is that she did not report her missing.

So says you. The law says otherwise. Get over it.
The mothers you know are not representative of the entire population of the U.S. And not reporting her missing is still not proof that she murdered the child. All it proves is that she did not report her missing.

So says you. The law says otherwise. Get over it.

And members of the jury (specifically saying that "no, I did not think she was innocent") the judge, and the majority of the American population.

Get over what? A person getting away with murder?
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