Institutions for Deaf with problem social ??

Don't worry, Mrs. Bucket. Part of the symptomatology of drphil's syndrome is a lack of a sense of humor. :giggle:
Really- is various comments in just an exercise in humour? Which segment in "symptomatology of drphil's syndrome" is there a lack of humour"? Being deaf?
Is MCB's comment in the "wildest category of say: crackpotism"? Is that an exercise Humour?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Mrs Bucket: is being pregnant humourous considering I am male? Right-only on computer screens!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Whoa! Time out, drphil.. I was actually trying my best to interject some humour into this thread.

I am sorry if you feel slighted in some way, shape or form.

I think it is best I don't bother replying to you if you're going to take my current humourous posts seriously.

Really.. peace out.
Good morning Bottesini: Prof SKY at the moment-resting. Big job coming up. Watching home while I go to work and beat Mr Clock-swimming.

Prof Sky- Not yet retired to being a full time slacker: just semi retired!

Cheers: found the horse hide chews for your herd of hounds yet?

Implanted Advanced Bionics Harmony activated Aug/07

Good morning. Professor Sky is a good and faithful cat to watch the home!

My dogs chew Dingo bones. I didn't know that was horse hide! I was imagining it was leftover from cows. :eek3:
Whoa! Time out, drphil.. I was actually trying my best to interject some humour into this thread.

I am sorry if you feel slighted in some way, shape or form.

I think it is best I don't bother replying to you if you're going to take my current humourous posts seriously.

Really.. peace out.

Mrs. Bucket, drphil will get used to your humor. Please don't stop replying. His humor is like mine, and I understand you. :)
Why would I be "bitter" for becoming Bilaterally deaf-Dec 20/06? I knew it was going to happen-for almost 15 years!

That is why I studied Cochlear Implant/deafness waiting for the "event to occur".
Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

The bolded says it all about your attitude, your bitterness, and your reaction to deafness. Every post you make confirms what we are all saying: You are bitter and angry, and have yet to understand the cultural aspects of deafness. Your effort is being spent on being as hearing as you possibly can be.
Mrs Bucket: is being pregnant humourous considering I am male? Right-only on computer screens!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Whoosh! Did you hear that passing right over your head with your CI?:laugh2:
No, I lost my position for multiple discriminatory reasons on their part, including hearing loss.
No, I lost my position for multiple discriminatory reasons on their part, including hearing loss.

It's a low way to fight and unethical to diagnose people on the internet, and then make laughing deprecatory comments on what behavior a syndrome you perceive a person to have might cause.
I did not place a diagnosis on him. I just suggested that his lack of a sense of humor indicates part of a set of symptoms. And I do not think that your problem with understanding subtle humor has the same cause as his. I am sorry that you inferred that.

Similarly, my observation that lack of non-verbals or non-verbals that do not match lips indicates a lack of honesty, does not cover all situations. My own son has Asperger's. I find it very hard to communicate with him at times. I ask what? He responds with the same words and quiet voice. I have known him all his life, and know what speech problems he has overcome, and I am proud.
It's a low way to fight and unethical to diagnose people on the internet, and then make laughing deprecatory comments on what behavior a syndrome you perceive a person to have might cause.

I absolutely agree. This persistent bullying and hounding is now being compounded by amateur and wildly offensive and irresponsible pseudo-analysis that's more telling about the source than the subject.
GredelQ- wise observations. Especially concerning the activity of Dr Phil on TV with follow up with appropriate professionals- with the pseudo analysis WITHOUT ME REQUESTING any such encounter. Presumably unethical professional behaviour? Need real humour to absorb the sheer hypocrisy!

Jillio: does being born with hearing a major problem for you? I am not prelingual deaf just post bilaterally deaf.

Mrs Bucket: peace again!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
This message is hidden because drphil is on your ignore list.
Problem solved. Sorry to have intruded into your world. Maybe sometime you will decide to step out into the larger world. It is not my responsibility to force you to do that.
GredelQ- wise observations. Especially concerning the activity of Dr Phil on TV with follow up with appropriate professionals- with the pseudo analysis WITHOUT ME REQUESTING any such encounter. Presumably unethical professional behaviour? Need real humour to absorb the sheer hypocrisy!

Jillio: does being born with hearing a major problem for you? I am not prelingual deaf just post bilaterally deaf.
Mrs Bucket: peace again!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Why in the world would you ask such an absurd question? Oh, yeah! That's right! You don't have any knowledge whatsoever concerning culture and sociological concerns, not to mention the psychological results of such.:roll: Nor do you have any idea of ethics. No one has placed a diagnosis on you. More than one has, however, made observations regarding the pattern and nature of your posting. Valid observations at that. You requested that when you began posting on a public forum. Don't want people making observations? Don't post. Very simple.
jillio, placing drphil on the ignore list helps.

You know sometimes when you try so hard to train an old dog new tricks, it just won't work. The same concept applies to drphil, it won't work for several reasons. He's very closed-minded and still stuck in the hearing world.

Sadly, he reminds me of my Gpa. Growing up Gpa always said he was too old to learn ASL. We tried teaching him the ABC's and he'd say "I'm too old!!", my younger cousins arrived and he said the very same old excuse "I'm too old!!", well.. at his deathbed he admitted his biggest regret. He wished he had learned ASL with his own children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

That's the attitude I get from drphil, his excuse is he's too old to learn ASL, too old to be immersed in Deaf Culture when it's only him and his attitude that's stopping him from progressing socially, educationally, emotionally and so on.

I offered to meet him and he refused stating he would never meet "weirdos/freaks" in real life which is ironic because he subscribes to a forum that has categories such as weirdos, freaks and so on.

I really do wish drphil well and placing him on ignore helps as the new ignore feature blocks his replies too as well.

Laissez faire, drphil. ("Live and let live") Instead of dictating to all of us how to live our lives, try living your own for once.
Mrs. Bucket, from my perspective, an opportunity to meet and discuss with you would be fun and enlightening. It was very kind of you to offer.

As I bet you've encountered too, Jillio, sometimes people in general are so steeped in their own selves or their own part of the world that they can't even see out. They have their own story and can't or don't want to know anyone else's. Their story is very comforting to them.
For me, I think it is important to know the stories of many people so that I can learn from them.