Everything about iPhone

I got iPhone 4 today from Apple store and it is GREAT day for me. YAY!!!

I love iPhone 4, I regretted about returned iPhone 3G and cancelled att service in 2 years ago and not going happen again.

I bought case today, just same as Chevy has one.

Damn it. You should sign old (grandfathered) contact for unlimited data plan. AT&T no longer to be unlimited data plan since June to change 2gb plan or 250 mb plan now.

You brought ifrogz case? You should get free bumper or case from Apple.
Apple - iPhone 4 - Case Program
Damn it. You should sign old (grandfathered) contact for unlimited data plan. AT&T no longer to be unlimited data plan since June to change 2gb plan or 250 mb plan now.

You brought ifrogz case? You should get free bumper or case from Apple.
Apple - iPhone 4 - Case Program

I did and will be shipped in 5 weeks. :ugh:

I love ifrogz case because it protect from iPhone being broken if you drop and iPhone 4 is very fragile that I had seen.
Wirelessly posted

But palringo, meebo and beejive are multi instant messaging

I decided to keep AIM and they have push support and I paid AIM to rid of stupid ads.

Beejive is buggy right now, according to customer's review and IM+ is okay.

I wish that M$ makes MSN Messenger app for iPhone.

I do have AIM and MSN, that all.
YAY!!! there is MSN Messenger for iPhone and created by M$ so gonna download it. :)
I decided to keep AIM and they have push support and I paid AIM to rid of stupid ads.

Beejive is buggy right now, according to customer's review and IM+ is okay.

I wish that M$ makes MSN Messenger app for iPhone.

I do have AIM and MSN, that all.
I use AIM Free version and it doesn't bother me by these AD's - it works nicely while it is being multi-tasked and remains me logged and all.
There is no jailbreak for iPhone 4 as of yet...but it's close as they are testing in beta stage.

Ok. Let me know if MyWi 4.0 will be ready for iPhone 4 but I m not hurry to get cydia download program.
Does anyone of Australia and New Zealand know about iPhone 4 s reception problem in any carriers?
There's been a lot of talk about jailbreaking. Why do people do this?
There's been a lot of talk about jailbreaking. Why do people do this?

1) preferred tethering apps over Apple
2) emulator
3) program apps to execute
4) unapproved apps that has been rejected by Apple
5) Adobe Flash
6) porn apps
1) preferred tethering apps over Apple
2) emulator
3) program apps to execute
4) unapproved apps that has been rejected by Apple
5) Adobe Flash
6) porn apps
7) Facetime over 3G

Add something in your post.
Not yet due bugs so I have wait for while.

Jailbreak can brick the iPhone so be careful.

Yes, I m too. some bugs for MMS and Facetime. I m not ready to download it and wait for while. I know that Jailbreakme would be prefect. I read Mac rumor forum and some news.