Are you a coffee person?....

I went to get iced blend mocha and crossistant filled with chocolate, so yummy (I know, alot of calories) at coffee bean shop a weeks ago. I got $40 dollars gift card from my sister. I go get it once in a while. I'm not addicted to coffee at all, I do drink coffee sometimes but I like mostly iced blended mocha or smoothie juice mwah!.
I was a coffee person but unfortunately, my coffee has been suspended for few months since the fifteenth day of December two thousand and eight.

Why was your coffee consumption suspended?

I am very much a coffee person - Ive got to have a cup of it before I can function in the morning, and by noon Im very much ready for a second cup. Then I usually have another cup before I retire to bed.

Yes these days I live off of mostly coffee and cigarettes. My doctor would shit a golden brick given I am hypoglycemic!
Why was your coffee consumption suspended?

I am very much a coffee person - Ive got to have a cup of it before I can function in the morning, and by noon Im very much ready for a second cup. Then I usually have another cup before I retire to bed.

Yes these days I live off of mostly coffee and cigarettes. My doctor would shit a golden brick given I am hypoglycemic!

I can't drink coffee for a while, since it wuld possible make my acid reflux return but at the moment, it would be fine now, and I thought you'd know why I wasn't anywhere near the cafe for a while, I mentioned it somewhere in AD. The coffee chick isn't there anymore, she left and didnt tell me why, that she's not talking to me, so that how I didnt want to go anywhere near the cafe since the fateful day, which was my graduation, and the last time I went. But I went back sometime last week, but it has been more than a week since I went back. I feel that the cafe I normally went to is insufficent enough for me to return normally. Prehaps, Im being haunted.
I WUV my coffee!! If there would be no adverse affects , I would have coffee with IV ! heheheh:D
That is too much coffee because you are not health well I think so you are should be health, you are without coffee b/c you are stop drink too much hyper that is not good kidney stoney that is warned to pain my feeling sweat. I have problem my feeling well that is go to hospital i did got gas and bubble in stomach that is problem i think so hope be health sound great...
Coffeeeeeee, mmmmmmmm!!! I only have one cup a day. It's a pint sized cup tho!! haha
I think it's a family thing. I found a poem by my great-great grandfather about coffee. My day is poo without my am cup of black, muddy, delicious coffee.
Oooh - Dixie! You just described my breakfast and sometimes lunch! (No I'm no way thin)
Coffee is larapin' good.
lots of people addict coffee is sugar and too much coffee is not good because be careful to worst to addict coffee. that is cause your kidney or liver. I am not sure I guess no idea think so possible instead better tea is good health, you help calm down for drink cholocate hot or tea whatever another is taste is favorite strawberry beacuse you important to breakfast you are help better change your life.
so is strawberry one of your favorites, smithtr?

I do think green tea is overall healthier than coffee, but I do like both - but I don't put sugar in either one. I try to avoid refined sugar as much as possible. You are right, important to be careful and not get addicted to coffee because the caffeine can affect the heart.
Thank you be positive

so is strawberry one of your favorites, smithtr?

I do think green tea is overall healthier than coffee, but I do like both - but I don't put sugar in either one. I try to avoid refined sugar as much as possible. You are right, important to be careful and not get addicted to coffee because the caffeine can affect the heart.

I don't like too much sugar or too much worst to coffee because that is cause you have diabeta that is not good...

That is careful to watch your health....

how u this morning Travis?

Thank you help me support to encourage to you people i want to positive. I hope be you better change less coffee or i wonder you are better ignored to coffee is not good. I like strawberry because you are smile. I opinion try better do it I help you encourage to you :deaf:
Uckk Coffee I would die LOL

I tried to drink coffee but the coffee doesn't like me, too freakin' bitter, uckkkkkkkk, gawd I'm chokin' LOL!:lol:
Who always go to starbuck or coffee bean or whatever. How many coffee do you drink?. I drink just mocha iced coffee at starbuck or coffee bean once in a while but I'm not much a coffee person. I'm not addict to starbuck or coffee bean, my sister addicted to coffee bean. starbuck and coffee bean are both expensive. since TV news said, "600 starbuck will be closed next year 2009" I guess some of you already know about it.

By the way, the other day, I tried fruit smoothie juice which is new introduction at Jack in the box and it tasted good but brainfreeze, be careful, perfect for hot day. I drink strawberry banana, hmmm!. (I know it's not related to coffee).

Yes I am. I do not always go to Starbucks though. Only sometimes. I am not worried about the closings. We have 5 Starbucks within 4 miles and they are all getting plenty of business.
I don't like too much sugar or too much worst to coffee because that is cause you have diabeta that is not good...

That is careful to watch your health....

I really wish people would stop spreading the myth that sugar causes diabetes.

Sugar does not cause Diabetes!

Diabetes is caused because the body does not produce insulin or the body produces insulin but not a sufficient amount or the body does not recognize it.

Causes of Diabetes
There is increasing evidence that drinking coffee may substantially
reduce the risk of developing the most common form of diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, which is the major contributor to the epidemic rise, worldwide, of this disease. The growing body of published research suggests that alongside other lifestyle measures, such as weight control and exercise, regular coffee drinking may also have a protective effect against developing Type 2 diabetes.

Positively Coffee: > topics > Coffee and Diabetes > Coffee and Diabetes - An Overview
There's "no life" before coffee! Nobody bothers me until I've got the coffee cup in my hand!...
My doctor told me "no more coffee"! Green tea! Hot tea!...No way! I limit it to 2 cups a day, hence, I used to drink 10-15 cups a day at work! Was a "wired up" mess!
Folger's is my brand! And I do like Dunkin' Donuts coffee!...Hot chocolate is good in our winter months here, (Fla.), but I'm not a fan! Too fattening! The kids love it.