Are you a coffee person?....

I'm not much of a coffee fan. I mean i like some coffee..I'm picky of what i like. I like Starbucks Caramel Frapp, double shots of caramel. Sometimes when my dad and I go to Starbucks, sometimes the coffee they hand us are bitter. But other than that they're pretty good.

But I don't like hot choclate...sorry HC fans.. (HC stands for hot choclate.. =] )
Drinking coffee as I type. I'm a coffee achiever. That is, I do stupid things faster. :hyper:
I drink loaaads of coffee, I actually love it. Only black coffee will do, yes!

At least I don't drink tea and hot chocolate mixed together like someone....
Simown, u mean tea and hot chocolate in same CUP? :shock:
or tea and hot chocolate in same meal?

I like dark coffee and will drink it black if no milk sub. for it.

I especially like hot tea!

Looooove chocolate - DARK!
My brother got me very good coffee at his house for breakfast.

I'm not telling ya the brand name of the coffee ;)
Nooooooooooo :nana:

I forget what kinda of coffee he made for me sorry
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I am not a coffee drinker and I don't plan to be. However, I do like to have cappucinos when I'm camping (they are sold at the local general store). I know cappucinos aren't coffee, they are similar. I don't drink them often at all. I really do love Tim Horton's Iced Caps though! Those things are freaking addictive!
My friend who's a mormon and lesbo who can't drink coffee :lol:

Anyway, I drink blended iced mocha again!. my card gift has 15 dollars left.
strange mix mormon, a dyke and non-coffee drinker = miserable !!
That's mormon's rule "no drink coffee".
Nah, she quit and happy but still not drink coffee, that's her choice. beside she drink beer anyway. ;)

Anyway, I drink hazelnut coffee
I drank this am

having one right now, a nestle fine blend, i get nestles for free. and they are one of the best brands for instant coffee. I like beans, plungers, coffee pots but they are messy and time consuming i guess some might say its more rewarding using real coffee indeed true but my liftstyle as a busy post-grad student i just cant fuck about.