deaf 2 years old kids wear CI

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I am not selfish or something. But I wonder where the deaf kids who know signs go? I can't find any kids same as my son's age that know signs anymore in this city. They become oral only which it upset me.

I will take you at your word but if you are not having any luck finding children your son's age who know sign language then perhaps cast a wider net and contact groups like the NAD, American Society for Deaf Children to see if they have a local presence near you. Go to or contact Deaf schools and programs outside of your immediate area and see if they may be able to connect you with the families of such children or programs, groups or other organizations that may be able to assist you.
Thanks for understand me about what I mean. Thanks for making me feel better. And yes I know my name means honey bee :) I like Melika, it's hawaiian name. Anyway, yea thanks, that he's adorable.

You're welcome.;)

As for the previous posts..well , I kind of expected of it to turn to some form of debate and make a bit of fuss.But , we miss the point entirely.

Even CI or not CI , all kids need their comfort zone , and little damien hasn't found it.Melissa needs our support , even if we dont agree with her views.she's entitled to her options.That was the whole point of the thread.and for her to vent a human can keep it all inside or he'll explode.

I am glad that in the states are some ADA laws and somesuch.Here we don't.
Just let's stop that kind of destructive debate and attack , and try and help someone that turned to us.

And Melissa..I do know that you are disappointed with these facts at Damien's school.But, after getting over it , you will find the best program for him , as you are his best advocate.Also his best example.

I do know that Damien is loved from you so much , that he'll endure any hardships as long as you fight for his needs alongside him.

And I think he is a kind of a example , showing the other parents that life doesn't stop there.Teaching the parents for other views will be beneficial for them too , to accept that there IS something they could get.

What little Damien is saying ? he is happy with the education there?if he is , just advocate for more signing at his school.if you have free time , offer to help in any way you can.

And do not despair.I'm deaf.I had lack of some communication.My relatives said that I will never know foreign languages.But I did , and that is how I write to this forum.Kids are like sponges , they will soak up any knowledge , as long as their parents help them.

as for the arguments , I have naught to say.I'm sad that it turned to a debate.
And neither do the people who call CI users freaks, Aliens, and Frakenstein. Those who say that all hearing parents of Deaf children should have their children taken away, and that parents who give their children CI's are child abusers. Oddball just said that parents of CI users are just trying to "fix" their kids. I hear that bulls*** everyday.

He never has a problem with me, and we hold very different views.

Myself, my opinion that they do fix the deaf kids to able to hear anything. I believe in god, im a christian, god create us, he gave us a gift to be deaf. But those people don't like the idea of god's had made for them, and push him away and fix on their own human. It hurts god. Being deaf is nothing wrong, they don't need to hear perfect or whatever. There have asl exist, they can use it. I think signs is so beautiful.
Myself, my opinion that they do fix the deaf kids to able to hear anything. I believe in god, im a christian, god create us, he gave us a gift to be deaf. But those people don't like the idea of god's had made for them, and push him away and fix on their own human. It hurts god. Being deaf is nothing wrong, they don't need to hear perfect or whatever. There have asl exist, they can use it. I think signs is so beautiful.

Gee, I believe in God, I am also a Christian and I recall quite explicitly in the Bible wherein Jesus healed the deaf.

So now after initally insulting cochlear implant users and parents of cochlear implanted children you now are stating that those who chose cochlear implants for either themselves or for their children are going against God's will and the faith that they believe in.

You are a piece of work. It must be tough to be all knowing like you and possess the ability to cast judgments on people you never met.
I am not selfish or something. But I wonder where the deaf kids who know signs go? I can't find any kids same as my son's age that know signs anymore in this city. They become oral only which it upset me.

And I totally understand your frustration, but the answer is not to say that the kids with CI's should stop using them. You should ask other people in area what kind of resources there are, start a playgroup for signing kids and CODAs, ask parents of older Deaf kids where they found kids like theirs, things like that.
Myself, my opinion that they do fix the deaf kids to able to hear anything. I believe in god, im a christian, god create us, he gave us a gift to be deaf. But those people don't like the idea of god's had made for them, and push him away and fix on their own human. It hurts god. Being deaf is nothing wrong, they don't need to hear perfect or whatever. There have asl exist, they can use it. I think signs is so beautiful.

I think ASL is beautiful. I think that God made my daughter Deaf for a reason. I believe that CI's are a tool, just like a hearing aid. It doesn't "fix" a Deaf person. My daughter will always be Deaf. The only difference between her now and her a months ago is what we put on her ears in the morning. Why are aids ok, but CI's are going against God?
I think ASL is beautiful. I think that God made my daughter Deaf for a reason. I believe that CI's are a tool, just like a hearing aid. It doesn't "fix" a Deaf person. My daughter will always be Deaf. The only difference between her now and her a months ago is what we put on her ears in the morning. Why are aids ok, but CI's are going against God?

To many people, it is the surgery factor that is going against their beliefs. Hearing aids do not involve surgery.
So, ear tubes, that is against God as well?

I am not religous nor do I hold these beliefs so I cant answer that. I just know what many others IRL have told me. I can understand their point of view but I can understand from your point of view by giving your daughter the tools to help her. That's why I am neutral on this issue as these children arent mine.
I am not religous nor do I hold these beliefs so I cant answer that. I just know what many others IRL have told me. I can understand their point of view but I can understand from your point of view by giving your daughter the tools to help her. That's why I am neutral on this issue as these children arent mine.

I know you are. The question was kinda for anyone who would have responded with the same answer.
I undy how you feel and I *heart* for your son who doesn't have anyone to play with due to the oralism philosophy. This is why I belive that all deaf children should be exposed to both. I would love for the same to be extended to hearing kids as well. What about Washington State or California? Any programs there where there are other deaf signers if u don't want to be too far from your family?

Washington State, well, I don't like their taxes. I love here in Oregon, I raised here and feel so comfortable be around people and my family. California is too far. About 6 hours away from here. Or maybe I have to be patient till my son become kindergarten so he can go to Oregon School for the deaf instead of public school with deaf program.
Gee, I believe in God, I am also a Christian and I recall quite explicitly in the Bible wherein Jesus healed the deaf.

So now after initally insulting cochlear implant users and parents of cochlear implanted children you now are stating that those who chose cochlear implants for either themselves or for their children are going against God's will and the faith that they believe in.

You are a piece of work. It must be tough to be all knowing like you and possess the ability to cast judgments on people you never met.

I do support the hearing aids, or other things what to make deaf kids can hear without getting surgery and put metal inside their head. Some of my friends don't like to have CI but their parents put CI on them when they was baby. Grew up, they rather signs, so they stopped using the CI. They had to trying to hide their bald line the where surgery was on their head. And some of guys have short hair, and complaining that they have ugly bald surgery on their head. I think doctor should find something to make kids can hear without getting surgery.
Washington State, well, I don't like their taxes. I love here in Oregon, I raised here and feel so comfortable be around people and my family. California is too far. About 6 hours away from here. Or maybe I have to be patient till my son become kindergarten so he can go to Oregon School for the deaf instead of public school with deaf program.

Yea, that's probably the best for now ...oh, it is a public school with a deaf program. I thought it was a Deaf school. Now, everything makes sense because I am not surprised that the public school would resort to oralism only without including ASL.
I do support the hearing aids, or other things what to make deaf kids can hear without getting surgery and put metal inside their head. Some of my friends don't like to have CI but their parents put CI on them when they was baby. Grew up, they rather signs, so they stopped using the CI. They had to trying to hide their bald line the where surgery was on their head. And some of guys have short hair, and complaining that they have ugly bald surgery on their head. I think doctor should find something to make kids can hear without getting surgery.

Or they can try to surgery little bit, under the ear. The where people won't notice.
I do support the hearing aids, or other things what to make deaf kids can hear without getting surgery and put metal inside their head. Some of my friends don't like to have CI but their parents put CI on them when they was baby. Grew up, they rather signs, so they stopped using the CI. They had to trying to hide their bald line the where surgery was on their head. And some of guys have short hair, and complaining that they have ugly bald surgery on their head. I think doctor should find something to make kids can hear without getting surgery.

Dont worry about what Rick tells you. U are entitled to your opinions and beliefs just like he is. Dont feel bad for believing in what you believe in.
I hope they listen otherwise daimenmommy is going to have to ask that this thread get locked up. :( She only wanted advice too. Sheesh! I'm like oh boy here we go again at this thread.

Oh I can ask them to lock this up? I didn't know. I tried to find where to delete this entry. Or edit my first story on post before more people coming in here and yell at me. I feel like I cannot tell them anything more. Or hard to express my feeling in here to people. I tried to not tell people more things of my opinion or my feeling.
I do support the hearing aids, or other things what to make deaf kids can hear without getting surgery and put metal inside their head. Some of my friends don't like to have CI but their parents put CI on them when they was baby. Grew up, they rather signs, so they stopped using the CI. They had to trying to hide their bald line the where surgery was on their head. And some of guys have short hair, and complaining that they have ugly bald surgery on their head. I think doctor should find something to make kids can hear without getting surgery.

My daughter's hair is already growing back, I have no idea why a grown man would have a bald spot from a CI surgery.

As for stopping using the CI. It is possible that in the future my child could chose to take off her speech processor and never use the CI again, and I am fine with that. I gave her the option. I gave her that choice. I did everything to give her as much as I could. Children who don't get CI's don't get that option. I wanted to be able to look my child in the face when she was grown and be able to say "I gave you everything there was to help you succeed" and if I hadn't doen the implant, I couldn't say that to her.

Just my 2 cents, take it or leave it.
Oh I can ask them to lock this up? I didn't know. I tried to find where to delete this entry. Or edit my first story on post before more people coming in here and yell at me. I feel like I cannot tell them anything more. Or hard to express my feeling in here to people. I tried to not tell people more things of my opinion or my feeling.

I am sorry that you were made to feel that way. U can ask the mods to have the offending posts removed and put those members on your ignore list so that way your thread doesnt have to get locked and u can continue to get advice from ADers that u asked for. Sound good?
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