You own the business...

Originally posted by Freaky
I'd set up my own business and title it as "Freaky"... ain't gonna tell you what I'll do!! You'll hafta enter the premises to find out!! :twisted:

*open door, enter your building*

Hello? Is this open? What kind business are you in for service or good?

*freaky jump n' attack behind me*

Arghhh!!!!! *running*

Freaky: That would cost you $300 bucks
Me: What?!
Originally posted by Freaky
I'd set up my own business and title it as "Freaky"... ain't gonna tell you what I'll do!! You'll hafta enter the premises to find out!! :twisted:

"Freaky" aliens show, eh? :laugh2: "Freaky" sex freak? :rofl: Gotta love you for who you are. ;)
Originally posted by FreAkieChiCkLe
If I wanted to have my own business, I'd be a massager..*I'm really good at it, dont even think about the guy thing, ya know what I'm talking about?*

I'd name the business *Deafy Massage* HAHA!!! I don't know what would I name that business!

Haha, yes! Ella's really good at massage. My back usually hurts and I would go by her room and ask her to massage my back. :)

Speaking of massage, I need one. :(
I would like to have Bontique someday.. it will be MsGiglz's Bontique Shop
