you cannot hear yourself if you make any noise


I love purple!
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Mar 27, 2006
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I m pure deaf. I don't like wear hearing aid because it cause me dizzy and hurt my head. I love being deaf. My hearing husband told me that I always make too noise. I asked him why do I have those? He explained that my voice make werid sound that I don' realize during I was quiet. I slapped any door so loud, I do dishes with loud, do whatever that I make lot of noise. I was :ugh3:. I said I cannot hear myself about those. I asked him did I embarass you about that. He said no. I told him that I am embrasss but I appericate that he told me a truth. He had to remind me to low my voice when we were in any store. I cannot help it. It is hard because no expecting. My husband seem get embrassed if I use voice loud sometime. Sigh

I never know that I made any noise for my most life until my hearing husband let me know. Oh no, Noone in my family tell me about that. How embrassing! Good thing I knew that fart can be loud. My husband told me that his sister is pure deaf also, she make many noise. I guess that I am not alone.

Curious, Do you have same issue?
Yep, If I don't wear hearing aids then I tend to be noisy ,too :) it is cuz I cannot hear my own voice well enough .. I talk either too loud or too soft .. This is normal for deafies
Yep, If I don't wear hearing aids then I tend to be noisy ,too :) it is cuz I cannot hear my own voice well enough .. I talk either too loud or too soft .. This is normal for deafies

I agree with you. I dont like wear hearing aids. It make me crazy nut.
when I don't have my hearing aid on, I know my voice is louder.. but I think I make my voice louder so I can hear myself when I talk with my hearing aid off. I think it's normal for people to make noise when they can't hear, because they don't realize they are making the "noise".
When I take off my CIs I'm pure deaf too. I bet I make lots of noises but I don't care! :)
Everything makes noise in some way.

It's just a matter of knowing when not to make noise.

There are things that make noise OBVIOUSLY and things that we don't know we're making noise with.

If you knowingly dropped a plate, then you should know that it would make noises.

If you unknowingly bumped a plate off a table, then you wouldn't know about the noise unless you knew you bumped it off.

That's why I'm careful with what I do. If I'm not wearing my hearing aids, I still don't just do things roughly.

NO: swinging or slamming the door shut
YES: close it slowly with the door knob in hand

NO: drop dishes in the sink
YES: I place it down in the sink

NO: turn on television at 3 am without checking the volume
YES: turn on television at 3 am and check the volume

NO: stomp your feet while wearing boots on the hard kitchen floor at 2 am
YES: walk barefoot or in socks on the hard kitchen floor at 2 am

It's important to communicate with others in the house about what general noises are bothersome at specific times of day. For instance, do the washer & dryer make bothersome noise overnight... is volume level 15 too loud... does using the disposal drain make a lot of noise... etc? If doing the laundry overnight is bothersome, don't do it. If volume level 10 is good enough, make sure the television is set at that or less when turning on the television. If there's something being done in the house that requires quiet time, be aware of the things that OBVIOUSLY make noise.

I've talked with my parents about a lot of things in the house. The only thing that really bothers them is if the television volume is set at more than 30% or if I don't walk softly upstairs in any room above their bedroom. Other than that, I'm fine... as long as nothing else I do is obviously loud such as dropping dishes, slamming the door, etc.
I am the same way too. Everyonce in a while mom will whine about me walking too loudly up the stairs, of course I dont realize Im being as loud as I really am, and I dont mean to.

Also I try to watch the volume on the TV late at night - often if Im going to watch a DVD I just put it in my laptop and watch it with captions at normal volume. (Some movies just wouldnt be complete without a bang, :lol: )

I also make sure I dont slam doors and I try to watch my vocal volume when I am talking, especially over the phone.

And there are times my parents are grateful Im HH - Im much more aware of my surroundings, much more than my hearing brother at times. Likely because Im aware than perhaps Im not completely aware of all things at all times so I take precautions.
If one can't hear, then of course they have no idea how "noisy" they can be. It does help if somebody can point that out.

Since I'm very familiar with the hearing environment, I instinctively know how "loud" I could be especially when my CI is off. My only problem is moderating my voice when my CI is off. Otherwise, I don't have much of a problem.
Eh, some hearing people are loud too. As I recall, some people actually thought I was mute because I barely use my voice, even to laugh. I probably just snickers when something is funny, but rarely would laugh out loud. And that always make them so curious to see what I sound like (as result of that I would get asked sometimes to speak something which is difficult since I don't know how to talk, lol). I have learned that they love my laughter but yet it's something they don't get to hear often.

I was taught by my parent not to use voice in public so I always try not to. I use voice at home of course, it's easier to get their (including dogs') attention using voice rather than just walk across to them.

Too bad most students from my deaf school did not know that because of bubble environment they lived in. I knew I walk loudly around house, but it's just a habit. Some hearing people do that too (even in public), and even some of them talk loudly or laugh very loud.
Before I got my cochlear implant, I was really loud just like most deaf people do. My parents, relatives and some hearing friends were so fed up with me by tried to tell me to tone it down. I didn't think I make that loud or talk loud. After I got my cochlear implant, it hit me so hard. I had no idea how loud I really was. I hurt myself by the noises I created. I felt so ashamed of myself. After that, I lowered my voices, and stop make the noises.

When I hang out with my deaf friends, the noises they make... I was polite by let them know by could they please tone it down a bit and explains to them about the noises. They were like DEAF POWER! DEAF POWER! DEAF POWER! I was like Jesus Christ! I had to back off and let them make the noises. I had to turn my cochlear implant volume down so they won't hurt me by the noises.
I have to admit my dad is very loud. When I was in high school between him and Coach Tipton teaching classes directly across from each other it was almost comical.

And yes their doors were closed. Of course this was back when my hearing was better.
Yes, I am often told that I make too much noise LOL. When I clean, I make too much noise. I knock the vacuum against the walls. LOL. My family don't understand why I make so much noise. They look at me strange and say, "why are you making so much noise?" LOL. I say, I am not! LOL. I have noticed on strange occassions when I am quiet...somehow a sound comes out of me with no effort. I hear it because of my CI. LOL. I don't know why! My mom says it happens to her. LOL. Sometimes I have no CI on, and I will talk stuff not realizing I may be bothering my family sleeping. I may walk and walk with no CI on making too much noise with whatever I am doing..maybe opening and closing drawers and doors.
I used to go deer hunting all the time and have been told that others can hear me coming from a mile away. I doubt that, but do know that I walk loudly so I can hear myself. My voice is loud, especially on the phone, which I can't help. If others don't like it, tough! :D
I used to go deer hunting all the time and have been told that others can hear me coming from a mile away. I doubt that, but do know that I walk loudly so I can hear myself. My voice is loud, especially on the phone, which I can't help. If others don't like it, tough! :D

:gpost: You have a right to make noises that you could not help that. Boy, many of us deaf do make a lot of noises that we are not aware of until we have hearing aids or Cochlear Implant. As for deer hunting, it is hard to keep quiet not to spook the deer. Please, deaf people and hoh people, don't blame yourself for making the noises that hearing people don't like to hear you. Remember that hearing people love to make loud music in concert or going into loud parties that the cops have to come and tell them to tone down the sounds. It seems like the hearing people are not aware of loud noises themselves too. Imagine that they will be deaf themselves. It will take a while to get their normal hearing back or just go deaf for a long time. lol :laugh2:
:gpost: You have a right to make noises that you could not help that. Boy, many of us deaf do make a lot of noises that we are not aware of until we have hearing aids or Cochlear Implant. As for deer hunting, it is hard to keep quiet not to spook the deer. Please, deaf people and hoh people, don't blame yourself for making the noises that hearing people don't like to hear you. Remember that hearing people love to make loud music in concert or going into loud parties that the cops have to come and tell them to tone down the sounds. It seems like the hearing people are not aware of loud noises themselves too. Imagine that they will be deaf themselves. It will take a while to get their normal hearing back or just go deaf for a long time. lol :laugh2:

OMG! That is sooo true!!!!!
You guys have no idea how many times I've been yelled at for making so much noise! It really took the fun out of going deer hunting, it really did.
You guys have no idea how many times I've been yelled at for making so much noise! It really took the fun out of going deer hunting, it really did. do you expect to bag a deer if they hear you better than us humans can? So, if humans can hear you easily enough, imagine what that deer is hearing..."Ummm....sounds like a Mack truck coming" :D
Many people say that when I dont have my heairng aid on, my voice is too low at public places or in crowds and too loud when I am alone with them at home or their homes. It is weird...

With my HAs, I can monitor my voice loudness based on the environment.

Had the same complaints about me when it comes to being noisy too. LOL!
I wear a hearing aid with two settings. The normal setting is for every day use and then there is another setting for noisy backgrounds. I tend to talk too soft when I have the 2nd setting on and sometimes too loudly with the normal setting. My daughter will use a hand signal (lowering of her open hand) to let me know if I'm too loud. I appreciate that, but she isn't always with me to give me the warning. It's really hard to know sometimes.
I am either too loud or as quiet as a church mouse. It is so hard to tell how loud I am being if I do not have my hearing aid in, and even with it in, I get told I am being loud. My boyfriend says that I am a typical deaf chick, LOUD in the bedroom, do you think that this is true for us? Have you been told you are loud while enjoying sexual activity??