New Job and moving!!


Active Member
Apr 7, 2003
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Hey Gang,

Just to let you guys no, I have gotten a new job with CSX Transportation as a Freight Train conductor. I will be starting my schooling near Albany, NY on June 20th, and starting for CSX on July 29th. At that time, they fly me down to Hotlanta for 2 weeks of paid training. After that, I will finish up my training in Selkirk, NY, which is where I will be working out of. I am excited!!! :dance2: :applause:


CSX Train westbound through Rochester Amtrak Station. Photo taken BF Weekend.
Congrats prostock19!

Will this position take you across America or just statewide? Anyhow, wishes you all the best and hopefully this job will be a rewarding experience for you!! Have fun tootin' the horn!

WTG!! :thumb:
congrats on ur new job! Are u deaf or hearing? I would be suprised if they hired deaf to drive a train. It looks like a challenging job. :P

That train in the picture looks like a standard 3,000 to 4,000 horsepower locomotive with a either 12 or 16 cylinder diesel-electric engine.

:sadwave: :thumb: Best of luck with your new job, your new home and your new life in a new state. Keep in touch, and let us know how you are doing with your new job!! Have you found an apt. yet? Take care!! I am glad that your dream has finally come true for you!!!!
i thought you were not gonna announce it until after you HAVE MOVED, from what you told me via IM? but CONGRATS AND GOOD LUCK AGAIN anyway!!! :thumb:
Congratulations!!! your DAMN lucky! I would love to have that job! I have always wanted to go in that engineer room and enjoy traveling! This job can be fun! My godfather used to be railroad traffic controller like guys who is in the controller tower at airport, they have controller room and tower for railroad.
:jaw: you got the job!!! WOW!!! Congratulations!!! Good luck!!! :hug:
Wow Congratulations on your new job. Reminds me of my uncle that worked at train. Best Luck! Hope you enjoy traveling in the train going long journey!!
Congratulation on your new job and your new place! That's cool. I am so happy for you. :D
sequoias said:
congrats on ur new job! Are u deaf or hearing? I would be suprised if they hired deaf to drive a train. It looks like a challenging job. :P

That train in the picture looks like a standard 3,000 to 4,000 horsepower locomotive with a either 12 or 16 cylinder diesel-electric engine.

Prostock is hearing. I'm sooo happy for you that you got new job, Prostock! This job will be a new and intersting work experience for you! Wondering if you always had interest in trains?
Wishes you have great so many different things you have seek great new challenge training by the way Congrats to you.

After your training and post/share w/us about your experience riding on frieght train?
If you go west, youll be treated to such scenery that youre going to be thinking highly of the Native Americans and their gods for not cluttering it up with houses, skyscrapers, and societal ills.

Trust me, It'll change you big time!

Thank you everyone.

I'll sum up everyones questions and comments. 1) I am hearing. I have alot of Deaf friends. 2) This has been in the works for many weeks. I got the final word today that all paperwork is final, and I am officially ready to start. With my bad luck, if I announced prematurely, I would have jinxed myself. 3) I won't be the engineer who controls the train, I'll be the guy sitting next to him doing all the dirty work. LOL. 4) The unit is a C40-8W and you can click here for details. 5) My seniority district will be out of selkirk, west to Buffalo, South to NJ, and East to Boston.
CONGS!!!!!!!!!!! I bet it look much fun to seeing the many different of trains in your hobbies..
congrats matty ;) have fun at ur new job.. I'm sure u are excited to start soon aren't u? hehe :D
good guess, the specs that u showed me was a 16 cylinder 4 stroke engine producing 4,000 horsepower. I guessed pretty close to that range. ;)

I see the top speed is only 70 mph. :P