just got a young cat


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2005
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Just brought home a cat yesterday. She mainly hangs out in my bathroom while I work with my dog to not get so excited over the cat. A few times I'll bring my dog to just outside the bathroom and let him look in and see the cat, and let the cat see him, both a safe distance away from one another. My dog still wants to bark at her so am working with him on that. I love the kitty cat though! She's so very sweet. Think I'll name her Maisey, just really like that name for her for some reason.

Hey...great! I have two dogs and two cats...they coexist well. Take it slow and you should be ok.
I'm letting them both work it out slowly. I keep my dog back and don't let him get close to her, just let them both look at one another from a distance and stuff like that. My dog's part terrier so the terrier traits keep coming out when he sees her. It'll be a while I'm sure, but I'm working with them both.
love cats....so embarrasing my next door neighour just got kitten she name it pussy,husband say she stand there at night shoughting pussy and banging tin operner,she name all her cats after Bond girls,not sure she gave that name much thought