How Long To Nap For The Best Benefits


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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If you’re anything like me, you love a good nap. It’s almost like rebooting your brain. But did you know that napping has some pretty far-reaching effects on your health? Shorter naps give you the ‘best bang for your buck’ according to experts, but longer naps have their benefits too.

A 10-20 minute nap can boost your alertness. Perfect for a midday break at work. But for improved memory, an hour long nap may do you good. Slow wave sleep helps with remembering places and faces, but you might feel a little groggy when you wake up. A 90 minute nap involves a full cycle of sleep, which can help with creativity and procedural memory.

As it turns out, sitting slightly upright during a nap will help you avoid deep sleep. If you start having dreams while napping, it may mean you aren’t getting enough sleep at night. Be sure to give yourself the eight hours your body needs to be healthy!

•For a quick boost, she recommends a 10-to-20-minute nap.
•For cognitive memory improvement, however, a 60-minute nap may be better, Dr. Mednick said. The downside: some grogginess upon waking.
•Finally, a 90-minute nap will most likely turn into a full cycle of sleep, which aids creativity, emotional and procedural memory.
When I nap, I ALWAYS end up falling asleep longer than I bargined for. It's true what they say about long naps having an effect on your health-- once knocked out for 5 hours= a VERY long night.
I never ever nap. I would like to, it just never works out. My husband takes a 30 minute nap every day when he gets home from work. It takes me that long just to get my pillow comfortable.
I need 10-20 minutes to fall asleep, 20 or more minutes of sleep & 10-20 minutes to wake up.
I do take naps when my body tells me to & I have at least an hour available. If it's late afternoon I might try to stay awake a few more hours then go to bed early.
I never ever nap. I would like to, it just never works out. My husband takes a 30 minute nap every day when he gets home from work. It takes me that long just to get my pillow comfortable.

I never nap either. I admire people who can lay down , close their eyes and sleep for what ever amount of time.

It also takes me a long time to fall asleep at night, then I wake up every hour or two! ugh!
I never nap either. I admire people who can lay down , close their eyes and sleep for what ever amount of time.

It also takes me a long time to fall asleep at night, then I wake up every hour or two! ugh!

I will take a nap without even trying to, I just fall off to sleep while watching TV. I just hope I will not do this while driving .
if I could get one nights sleep in a week I say I was lucky
Very seldom do I nap. only if I need to awake very early, then by the afternoon I'm sleepy....taking naps really messed up my system, so I just grin and bear it. Being a night owl for many years, I've found that sticking to that schedule...(going to bed very late, and getting up by 9-10AM) works best for me.....If I've nothing to do all day and it's overcast and raining, then I take a nap, but no longer than 30 minutes.
I just fall asleep with no plan of taking a nap , I just go out like a light right in the middle of watching a TV show.
This is really informative. I had problems getting sleep initially. I tried everything out there but nothing came up very well. Finally as per my friend's suggestion, I went in for a sports specific training. This helped me gain a fit athletic body and at the same time I started to get sound sleep.I take nap for 15-30 minutes daily after training.:P
I often take a nap after work, sometimes half of a night's worth of sleep the entire evening. It's a trade off which may explain why I'm a night owl! :lol:
I never nap either. I admire people who can lay down , close their eyes and sleep for what ever amount of time.

It also takes me a long time to fall asleep at night, then I wake up every hour or two! ugh!

me to it awful. I envy people who can sleep
I couldnt able to get a nap due to either WORK or KIDS at home. If i finally get alone in the house all to myself for more than three. I WILL GO AHEAD TO BEDROOM AND take a nap!!
I can never nap...unless I'm ill I will sleep for 9-12 hours in the day!