Hello from Mosey, Hannah and Lil'Bit!!

Mrs Bucket

New Member
Oct 12, 2008
Reaction score
The gang says Hello to you all!!


A headliner from Mosey as he spends quality biscuit time with Mummy.

Oh Lil'Bit is sweet! He's a real cuddlebug and he's quite loyal to both of us.

When we take him for walks, we don't use the leash at all. He walks ahead & stops and looks back at us to make sure we follow him. It's cute!!
Cute poochie! Your cats are gorgeous, too.
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*hugs all of them* :D
Lil is adorable, I love his cute face makes just want to pick him up and hold.Cute videos of the cats :)
OH LOL cute videos.. the first video cracked me up.. but the 2nd one.. awwwww that's so damn cute...
Lil bit is cutie!! so all of your furchildren get along real well! thats great! Love the last video of you sleeping and mosey. Once in a while, Jude put his paw on my face, nose and cheek. I can feel Jude's claws on my nose! :shock: I was sleeping until I realize i feel something so sharp in my nose! LOL!

how old is lil bit?
*Pats Hannah, Mosey and Lil'Bit* :)

Cute videos MrsBucket!!!!!!!! Two thumbs up!!!!