Fill in the blank--unlimited version


New Member
Dec 20, 2003
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Let's give this one a try as well. Anyhow, all one has to do is fill in the blank, however, more than one word can be used. Be creative, be funny...just as long as no member's usernames is used and please, be respectful as well. :ty:

Here's an example:

I rode my _______ to my friend's house.

Possible answer: I rode my tri-cycle with a rope attached to my dog, but dang, my dog didn't know the directions to my friend's house.

Just fill in the blank and then create another statement for next poster to fill in. ;)

Here's the first one:

I went to the airport and I freaked out when I saw ________ .

I went to the airport and I freaked out when I saw Fideo Castro smoking a cigar.

I flew to Los Angeles to see ________.
haha funny .. cracked me up with the prez bush's teeth

I saw many angels in heaven.

I saw many __________ on the road.
:rofl: at Koala's answer!

Elvis Presley!

I drove to Maine to visit ________.
Dr. Thunder dancing with many stars.. tsk tsk..

What are you __________ in the bathroom?
a farting danged out car which had skunk crap on it

Where ought I put _______?
standing outside naked at this hour?

After seeing President Bush with his teeth knocked out and standing at my door, I ran to get the _______________________-
u are doing good, pek.. but u need to post a question after the answer for anyone to put answer in. ok? :)

What the heck am I doing in __________???

standing outside naked at this hour?

After seeing President Bush with his teeth knocked out and standing at my door, I ran to get the _______________________-
a leaky boat on the way to New Zealand?

I am racing against _________________

against the world's slowest minute. :lol:

Why am I doing on Becuase I was ____________.
addicted to post many posts on the forum! :giggle:

What am I ____________ to do on
post whore

I was walking to enjoy the fresh air and all of sudden I saw something ___________ in the huge cool pond.