Falwell Dies at age 73

What a shock when he said that Tinky Winky was gay!! :eek3:
Maybe Barney is gay because he is purple/lavendar color...

I always thought he was a goofball with a few screws loose when he says those things. *yawn* Yep he said alot of important things in his life and made Christians look like idiots.

May he rest in peace.
Ha ha....I forgot about tinky winky debacle.
I was afraid I would be too harsh but trying to be creative after Dark-Half leaves me speechless.
Nonetheless, I usually saw his statements as just self-glorifying attention seeking foolishness.
These kind of ministers actually do not strike me as religious persons. It is for this reason that they have to stoop to attention seeking statements. To keep themselves on the holy radar and the funds coming in.
Jerry Falwell was never interested in anything but money and power. A political idiot in the likes of Pat Robertson. Grandstanding moneygrubbers and nothing but. They couldn't make it in the world ...so 'pass the hat, oh brother'.
Poor worms need some rolaids :eek: