Death Of Baby With Benadryl Intoxication Ruled A Homicide


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Apr 22, 2007
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FAIRFIELD, CT (AP) – The death of a 4-month-old baby at an unlicensed home day care in Connecticut has been ruled a homicide after toxicology reports found high levels of Benadryl in the infant’s system.

Police in Fairfield say they’re investigating the March 22 death of Adam Seagull of Shelton. An autopsy has concluded the baby died from acute diphenhydramine intoxication.

His death was initially ruled an accident from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Deputy Police Chief Chris Lyddy says there had been no signs of trauma and the baby had not been sick.

No criminal charges have been filed. Lyddy says the investigation is ongoing.
I do remember a lot of mothers giving their babies Benadryl for crying and not going to sleep...
Throughout history parents have been drugging their kids... frightful ad's about cocain baby soothers...
But we are supposed to know better now...
That's very sad. :(

I would never use Benadryl that way. I don't even use it myself, not even for my chronic hives. If doctors try to give it to me I tell them I'm allergic to it.
That is called "chemical restraint".

I believe that any child under 6 years old, must checked with doctor before give Benadryl to them.

For me, Benadryl is very helpful when I have very bad allergy, cold and sinusitis that where 2nd and 3rd generation antihistamine failed to work.

Xanax knocked me out in 30 minutes and it is very strong anti-anxiety medicine.
yeah...even pouring alcohol/beer into their bottles...
I do not agree with using alcohol in baby bottles, but do believe it can help with teething babies IF and only if you live in BFE and have no other option. But I have read people giving drinks for this excuse... that does not make sense to me.
You should never ever give alcohol to a baby. No matter how painful teething or whatever.

Due to the aforementioned information, wondering if you can give alcohol to your child is an absolute no. Your baby’s body is much smaller than yours, and even a tiny drop of alcohol can be poisonous.

You may have heard from elderly people how a dab of brandy on swollen gums can help soothe your baby when he or she is teething. Do not do this to your baby. Even if your family tells you that it is safe, it is not.

Alcohol is extremely poisonous to infants, and even one small dab can be extremely harmful.

Can I Give My Baby Alcohol? Answer: No.

The really sick one was the parents giving their son heroin so he would sleep through the night. The parents were arrested and the child put in foster care.
Oh god no! Babies livers are still developing and can not handle otc meds of any kind. My daughter's pediatrician gave her fluid filled teething rings. Took awhile for her to get used to but did the trick. As for the crying? Don't even think about sedating them. Just be mindful of what the fuss is about.
Throughout history parents have been drugging their kids... frightful ad's about cocain baby soothers...
But we are supposed to know better now...

Yeah, my cousin-in-law told me long time ago grandmother had done it to her with doctor's prescription to help her fever- whiskey, honey and lemon.
Yeah, my cousin-in-law told me long time ago grandmother had done it to her with doctor's prescription to help her fever- whiskey, honey and lemon.

Long time ago doctors treated the sick with mercury and lead, and let the blood out in people with anemia.
Doesn't mean it was healthy or right.

Yeah, my cousin-in-law told me long time ago grandmother had done it to her with doctor's prescription to help her fever- whiskey, honey and lemon.
Long time ago doctors treated the sick with mercury and lead, and let the blood out in people with anemia.
Doesn't mean it was healthy or right.

And did she say it was healthy or right?
I gave my new baby who is now 10 months old benadryl, but she has such severe seasonal allergies that she stopped breathing twice. My doctor told us to give her a tiny amount, or me take it and breastfeed her. It never helped though