Your views on relationships


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Dec 29, 2007
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What are your views on relationships

I mean in terms of age, how much older, distance, etc
Tell me any of your views on relationships
I am a very open minded person. My cousin married her husband when she was 19. He was 38 years back then... (yes!) Despite his age, the family always got along with him very well! I couldn't imagine my cousin with another husband now that she is 32 and happily married ever since then with seven kids in tow! :giggle:

She's crazy I know...

So to sum it up... I don't care as long as a couple is happy!

My first wife emotionally abused me and my second abandoned me. I'm done. I'm single for the rest of my life.
I am also very open minded. Age is just a number, absence makes the heart grow fonder and everything else is just small stuff.

When two people truly care about each other all of that other stuff shouldn't matter. I have been careful to not let past relationships dictate my thoughts about the present and future relationships and I would hope the person I am with does the same.

So if love is blooming for you, I hope it works out :)
Some people said age is just numbers but... problem is there is different generations between the ages.
Some people said age is just numbers but... problem is there is different generations between the ages.

that is true.. But, for age to even be an issue someone would actually have to like you or you like them. Obviously age will be a factor but if it is true love it shouldn't matter. I am 28 and my last serious bf was 42. We cared about each other very much. It also depends on maturity.
I am ALL about communication. I grew up in a household where my dad beat up my mother and his kids, so a huge temper is a giant no-no for me.

I can only speak for myself and am very monogamous. Very few boys get to hit this without being in a committed relationship.

When I was 15 I dated a 19 year old guy (he seriously saved my life), when I was 17 I dated a 27 year old guy (he was a psycho) and now I am 18 and with a 23 year old. Soooo I think it depends on the situation, the people maturity levels of said parties involved, etc.

BTW, I would shit a brick if my 15 year old daughter dated a 19 year old even tho I did that.
i hate relationships......especially they re priceless jobs to fulfill :roll:.. too much work for the happiness.

no thats my sarcastic comment. my views on relationships has different perceptions to each of its own. no need to expose the false advices.
My soon to be ex husband is almost 11 years older then me, I'm 11 years older then my step daughter and my mom is 11 years older then my soon to be ex husband..LOl just thought I would add that
What are your views on relationships

I mean in terms of age, how much older, distance, etc
Tell me any of your views on relationships

I believe sex can have absolutly nothing to do with love. I also believe it is against human nature to be monogamous.
I am also open about relationships. I am accepting of homosexual and polyamorous relationships. I think so long as there is love there (or sex if that's the agreement) then I'm fine with it. Of course I think that openness and honestly are essential, and I also think that all involved must feel truly equal. If there is a power imbalance, that can have disastrous effects. (In the case of dom/sub relationships, then it is a conscious decision and therefore consensual.)