Young woman dies watching pornography

I am curious...why is it disgusting to what happened to this woman. In my perspective, she was horny and wanted arousal and got too much of it and died. It is kinda sad

Just wondering about your perspective.
oh no, I'm sorry, disgust wasn't referred to this. if you see my post just before this one, 31 year old woman posed as 14 year old boy was bizzare enough. and then this one, is also a first to me. two firsts in few minutes. :laugh2: like ncff said, media media media.

I agree though, sad. and embarrassing. imagine if her family members had to tell how she died...
freckles, you surely know that it's quite common to die during sex? Millions have died that way. Sex is a lot of work... it's very demanding on your body. When sexually aroused, your hormones speed up heart rate and that can cause some people to have a heart attack/cardiac arrest.
no...I didn't. :lol: only know your heart raises. don't listen, read or watch news. no TV for 6+ years either ha. it makes sense, just never thought of that.
freckles, you surely know that it's quite common to die during sex? Millions have died that way. Sex is a lot of work... it's very demanding on your body. When sexually aroused, your hormones speed up heart rate and that can cause some people to have a heart attack/cardiac arrest.

And burn a LOT of calories, right? :D
And burn a LOT of calories, right? :D

Some of those numbers look way too exaggerated. Is that seriously right for the 60 year old bracket? They'd probably die of of stroke or a heart attack first.
Some of those numbers look way too exaggerated. Is that seriously right for the 60 year old bracket? They'd probably die of of stroke or a heart attack first.

Then they would make the news too!
I recall on some calorie calculators I've used in the past, 30 minutes of intercourse is like 130 cals for the average person. I guess it depends on the person.
Heh, some peeps have no sense of humor. They wouldn't know what humor looks like even if they got hit in the face with a pie! :P


It's more like, "I found this number more exaggerated than actually humorous."
You think I seriously would not be able to tell the part with the wife/husband knocking on the door? :P