
Thanks R2D2,Defee, Jolie77, and GalaxyAngel

Today is the big moving day! I am sooo exhausted! We are going thru a heat wave so it is very very hot and muggy out. Yesterday, I moved some stuff into the house and I was pouring sweat..I just need to sleep alll day!

Will get Internet and cable services hooked up at the house on Monday! However, many of my friends and coworkers are getting together at the beach on Monday and invited me...It depends on how tired I will be. Would be nice to relax on the beach but I remembered that I will have my son with me so...eeeeehhhhh. :giggle:

Catch ya'll later! :)
Thanks R2D2,Defee, Jolie77, and GalaxyAngel

Today is the big moving day! I am sooo exhausted! We are going thru a heat wave so it is very very hot and muggy out. Yesterday, I moved some stuff into the house and I was pouring sweat..I just need to sleep alll day!

Make sure that you drink a lot of water! Have fun!
(I cannot believe that it is so hot... oh brother...)
Congratulations shel on your new house! :)

Are you going to invite every one from AllDeaf to your new house? :)
Congrats! Shel on your new home how exciting to finalize the touches and enjoying yourself.
CONGRATS to Shel and HorseLover.... whoohoo... It's so nice to come home to your own place and be able to do anything you want with it without anyone breathing down your neck lol.. smile
Yay for you and family! Enjoy filling the new house with wonderful memories yet to be created. :)

You will have to post some pictures once you get moved in and all decorated :)
Thank u ASLGAL, MissDelectable, Canuckian Chick, Brain, Oceanblue7...

We are all done with unpacking..only left is to do the decorations and throw out all the boxes. I have to go back to my old place to clean it up and I am so not in the mood!!! Still very hot!

The movers took 8 hours to complete the job and they looked ready to pass out from the heat. We provided lots of water and bought them sandwiches. They were grateful.

I will take pics..hope I figure out how to resize them to fit AD's standards. :)
Thank u ASLGAL, MissDelectable, Canuckian Chick, Brain, Oceanblue7...

We are all done with unpacking..only left is to do the decorations and throw out all the boxes. I have to go back to my old place to clean it up and I am so not in the mood!!! Still very hot!

The movers took 8 hours to complete the job and they looked ready to pass out from the heat. We provided lots of water and bought them sandwiches. They were grateful.

I will take pics..hope I figure out how to resize them to fit AD's standards. :)

Geez and I know how feeling with moved :):) but think maybe this weekend will be cooler!!! :):)
Shel - I think photobucket automatically resizes them to fit AD standards. If you need help with the photos, let me know, Id be happy to post them for you if you need me to.

I know what you mean by the heat - its been pushing 102 degrees here the last couple days, I just wanna strip when I get off work.