YES!!!! Gay marriage bill in Vermont!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2003
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Vermont may be the NEXT state to legalize gay marriage! I just got something in my e-mail inbox, that said that there's a bill in Vermont's senate that could legalize gay marriage! Since Vermont is a very libreal state, the US could have YET another state where gay marriage is LEGAL!!!!
Yes I am against gay marriage, but I hope you get your wish.

I just wish my dream can come true too.

That way normal people can let me be a filmaker....
I hope that gay people would make normal people make it easier for me.

But still the governor has to make decision too.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Yes I am against gay marriage, but I hope you get your wish.

I just wish my dream can come true too.

That way normal people can let me be a filmaker....
I hope that gay people would make normal people make it easier for me.

But still the governor has to make decision too.
deafdyke said:
Vermont may be the NEXT state to legalize gay marriage! I just got something in my e-mail inbox, that said that there's a bill in Vermont's senate that could legalize gay marriage! Since Vermont is a very libreal state, the US could have YET another state where gay marriage is LEGAL!!!!

oh yay yay im so happy i heard about this.. yay i hope there are spreading to other state and other state.. and it would be so GREAT
deafdyke said:
Vermont may be the NEXT state to legalize gay marriage! I just got something in my e-mail inbox, that said that there's a bill in Vermont's senate that could legalize gay marriage! Since Vermont is a very libreal state, the US could have YET another state where gay marriage is LEGAL!!!!

Deafdyke -- if i recall correctly -- hasnt VT already legalized civil unions qq would this bill be an "upgrade" from civil unions to marriage with full benefits included qq if thats the case WTG Vermont!!!!
deafdyke said:
the US could have YET another state where gay marriage is LEGAL!!!!

Yeah... just like California. ><

Go gay marriage, go!
if i recall correctly, California's gay union was overturned so all marriages are vetoed and nullifed due to that overturn! SO VT i belive fly free's right its an upgrade cuz i REMMY them already have a gay civil union thats it so the upgrade could cement the future of the community! and i hope this happens SOON! :)
I am glad to hear this news. I know the same sex couples will be happy. My sister wish she can marry. She with her partner for 5 years.
Hey Miss Pee Pee...

You don't need to come in this thread if you are against to gay/lesbo. We don't need to hear neagtive from you!!! We had ENOUGH.


Miss*Pinocchio said:
Yes I am against gay marriage, but I hope you get your wish.

I just wish my dream can come true too.

That way normal people can let me be a filmaker....
I hope that gay people would make normal people make it easier for me.

But still the governor has to make decision too.
Yes, Flyfree, it would be an upgrade. Maybe New England will serve as a gay marriage haven. Conneticut's got civil unions too!
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Yes I am against gay marriage, but I hope you get your wish.
I just wish my dream can come true too.
That way normal people can let me be a filmaker....
I hope that gay people would make normal people make it easier for me.
But still the governor has to make decision too.
Ms. P.
Go away and marry Heath!. You two would be a great couple cuz both of you hate gay people.
:rofl: GOOD ONE EyesBlueDeaf!!!
You sure made me laugh!! WTG! *giving ya a high five!* I do agreed with you that Miss Pee Pee and Heath don't belong in this thread. :lol:

EyesBlueDeaf said:
Ms. P.
Go away and marry Heath!. You two would be a great couple cuz both of you hate gay people.
Mama2AFTIV said:
:rofl: GOOD ONE EyesBlueDeaf!!!
You sure made me laugh!! WTG! *giving ya a high five!* I do agreed with you that Miss Pee Pee and Heath don't belong in this thread. :lol:

they dont belong in this forum
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Yes I am against gay marriage, but I hope you get your wish.

I just wish my dream can come true too.

That way normal people can let me be a filmaker....
I hope that gay people would make normal people make it easier for me.

But still the governor has to make decision too.

you're no different the those people who commit murder on gay people.

but i agree with everyone else thats awesome ,maybe my uncle and life partner can finally get married :D
javapride said:
if i recall correctly, California's gay union was overturned so all marriages are vetoed and nullifed due to that overturn! SO VT i belive fly free's right its an upgrade cuz i REMMY them already have a gay civil union thats it so the upgrade could cement the future of the community! and i hope this happens SOON! :)

Then you recall wrong... A gay marriage bill passed the California state legislature last year. Arnold vetoed it.

Submitting legislation is meaningless if you don't have the votes in the legislature to pass it... I doubt the VT gay marriage bill has the votes.
I don't understand why it's such a problem for gay people to marry. They are people too.