Yahooooooo I Made It....


New Member
Sep 25, 2003
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This is Pumpkin of Bulldog. Extactly same as MsGiglz posted....


  • bulldogpumpkin01.jpg
    9.6 KB · Views: 53
Cool pictures... :thumb: You definitely have an artistic flair! Are you studying art by any chance?
WaterRats13 said:
Cool pictures... :thumb: You definitely have an artistic flair! Are you studying art by any chance?
Actually, I used to artist since when I was kid til now.. Nothing stopping. Mostly drawing cartoon and others..
Espically My first time carving pumpkin of bulldog.. Pretty awesome.. Worth for my new experience. :)
That pumpkin ROCKED and ur dog SOO cute how old his ur doggie??? CUTEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
:cool: Great pictures Bullym0m!! You have an artistic flair and a big talent for art!!! Rogue is definitely a sahhweett Bulldog! Pat Rogue on the head for me, would you, Bullym0m? Give Rogue a treat, too!!! Take a picture of the pumpkin with Rogue during Hallowe'en!! It'd make a great picture!!! ::winksa!!::
:jaw: holy moley.. you sure have excellent talent artist flair!! WTG!!!
I am so glad that i found the pic and posted it..

haha.. wtg ! bullymommmmmmmma!
javapride said:
That pumpkin ROCKED and ur dog SOO cute how old his ur doggie??? CUTEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
Rogue is 3 years old. She had twice times litter.
1st litter: 7 puppies 2001
2nd litter: 7 puppies 2003

Awesome.. She is excellent bully!
And also have 1 male bully too.. He will become stud soon when he turn 1 years old on Feb 1st 2004. :)
About time, u craved that pumpkin that looks bulldog. :thumb:

Petting on Rogue for me, thanks!
other one!

:thumb: Bullym0m -- u did it again!!!!!!!! GREAT work!! i so totally agree with everybody -- u DO have artistic flair!!!!! WTG!!!!!
Thank you very much for everyones!!!! I'm so impressed about this..

Really another one Bulldog pic.. I think that pic needs more face lift more..

I'd rather stick with 1st pic.. :)

Great job on that pic!! It seems bulldogs are popular nowadays!! Bullym0m, I have two purebred Boston Terriers and I larrvv them!! I prefer purebred animals because they are AKC or CKC certified, I know they're more expensive but they're worth it, eh!