Yahoo Group Deaf News

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Sherlock Hound
Premium Member
Feb 24, 2004
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Yahoo Group Deaf Info/news is no longer use since Monday? What happened?

Let me know what's wrong.
Read it in another site.

A popular Deaf/HH YahooGroup called USA-l Deaf News had been disabled by Yahoo. Phil Moos, the guy that runs the group has been trying to get an answer from Yahoo as to why it was disabled or removed. So far, no answer.

Phil may have to start another Yahoogroup.
This is why you shouldn't drink and moderate yahoo group forums ;) Very easy to remove it, given the yahoo features. Just kidding.

I still can't fathom any reason why the yahoo bigwigs would delete that directly... I hope an answer and solution are achieved soon.
Phil believed he had a blanket publication rights to copyrighted articles.

Finally the truth caught up to him.

Liza said:
This is why you shouldn't drink and moderate yahoo group forums ;) Very easy to remove it, given the yahoo features.

LOL Liza that means you knew him too?

We've decided at a laissez-faire meeting at one of our fundraisers last night to immediately fill the void left by the demise of this well known news service.

We're not trying to compete against this wonderful news section of

The link is up at and news
shall follow soon.

Oh, Deaf-L.....that service which publishes any and every article that's even tagently related to the word deaf.
Ha Deaf-L

I quit that thing because there was nothing related to deafness being discussed there.

It has evolved into a senseless bicker convention.

About USA-L News

It was shut down by Yahoo! and according to their policy, they are not required to respond to the reason(s).

Regardless of what Richard Roehm thinks the reasons were, he loves to attack me. As many of you know, he is known not to have many friends in California because of his attacks and tactics.

Will USA-L News resume? I can assure you it will. Don't know when and don't know on which site. I will be back to let you all know.

Thank you for your patient and support.

Philip N. Moos
Creative Designers/USA-L News
Neverask said:
As many of you know, he is known not to have many friends in California because of his attacks and tactics.

Youre way behind on the news dude! You represent nothing but the 'old deaf system' that no longer has a grip in the county I'm in. I represent the future of the deaf society.

Sure Philly boy, try bash me, I can do nothing but profit from it!

USA-L News and NJ-L News are back!

I got this via E-mail this morning... USA-L News and NJ-L News will resume its services this coming Sunday!

In order to receive Mr. Moos' publications, be sure to sign up/modify your account over at Deaf Times!
There are 2 sides I am facing :dunno:

Side one, Richard like to be aggrassive.

Side two, Philly boy love to banned people that's might someone filed complaint against Philly boy that may causing Yahoo! disabled his Yahoo! Groups.

So I had to figure out whose side I will have to faced. :dunno:

Will tell you more later when I made my mind! :bye:

Neverask said:
It was shut down by Yahoo! and according to their policy, they are not required to respond to the reason(s).

Regardless of what Richard Roehm thinks the reasons were, he loves to attack me. As many of you know, he is known not to have many friends in California because of his attacks and tactics.

Will USA-L News resume? I can assure you it will. Don't know when and don't know on which site. I will be back to let you all know.

Thank you for your patient and support.

Philip N. Moos
Creative Designers/USA-L News
Bobby and Richard


Bobby Fleener and Richard Roehm are friends and they tell each other what's going on. That's why Bobby came on. We already know who's side he is on.

By the way folks, USA-L News at is up and running. I am proud to say USA-L News remains the choice for many readers. And, the only one to receive national recognition from the National Association of the Deaf.

Philip N. Moos
Creative Designers/USA-L News
Neverask said:
And, the only one to receive national recognition from the National Association of the Deaf.

He means 'old NAD' not the current NAD.

He has to have his last words

Richard loves to have his last words.

It is both, old and current. USA-L News was and still is the only one recognized by the National Association of the Deaf.

Yours and Bobby have yet to be noticed by many. "Deaf Today" do more than what you two put together. Unfortunately for you, Richard, USA-L News goes further than all three.

Having stated the facts, can you keep your mouth closed and move on with your life?

disabilitywatch said:
There are 2 sides I am facing :dunno:

So I had to figure out whose side I will have to faced. :dunno:

Will tell you more later when I made my mind! :bye:
As I wrote this above few days ago. I have deciced of which side I will be taking.

And the Winner is:

USA-L News!

Yeah Deaf Today and USA-L News not gonna match up to the new deaf site where I'd play the news editor at soon.

So from this point on what philly boy, bobby, or usa-l, or whatever deaf gin news out there tries isnt gonna be anything bigger than what I'll be doing soon.

Richard :cheers:
Alright, that's enough. I'm going to lock this thread, but before I do I just wanted to say: Phil, glad to see your news service is back.
Alex said:
Alright, that's enough. I'm going to lock this thread, but before I do I just wanted to say: Phil, glad to see your news service is back.

Yes! Good to see your news server back, Phil! :applause:
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