WTF? Study Shows Swearing Reduces Pain


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Nov 8, 2010
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WTF? Study Shows Swearing Reduces Pain - TIME NewsFeed

You know that time you stubbed your toe and the blinding pain caused you to shout a string of choice words that would make your mother cringe? Turns out you weren't being rude — you were easing the pain.
Researchers at Keele University in the UK have found that swearing can have a painkilling power, especially for people that don't regularly curse. To test their theory, Dr. Richard Stephens and other scientists conducted an experiment with student volunteers. The students were asked to submerge their arms into a bucket of icy water, while repeatedly uttering a swear word. (It's not clear what the specific swear word was, but we're naturally assuming the worst.) They then repeated the experiment, while repeating a "harmless" word rather than a swear.

The results showed that volunteers were able to keep their arms in the icy water longer when they were swearing than they could when they were uttering the harmless word. According to the scientists, these results demonstrate the link between swearing and an increase in tolerance to pain. It should also be noted that for the volunteers who weren't habitual swearers, swearing was four times more likely to ease the pain caused by the icy water.

Why does this painkilling effect kick in when we swear? One theory the researchers are considering, is that swearing — an act of aggression, especially if it's not a part of your daily vernacular — triggers your fight-or-flight instincts, which can ramp up your tolerance to pain.

Of course, if your everyday conversation rivals Christian Bale's, not only are you ill mannered, but you're also less likely to experience the soothing effects that a well-timed, but not oft-used, F word can offer.

I'm going to use that as an excuse to swear like a sailor. :lol:
Hormones such as adrenaline, also known as epinephrine, are the Fight-or-Flight hormones.

Cold water will have me taking the Flight Instinct and cussing!! :lol:
I'm a retired sailor, and I've never been a swearer or curser, even when in great pain. When I've been in pain I usually said, "Yowwwww!" or cried.

I guess if a person is not in the habit of using profanity, then the words don't pop out even when in pain.
wonder how did that phrase come about.... :hmm:
:dunno: I hear a lot worse language being used by college students than I ever heard during my Navy career. I also see a lot more profanity being used here at AD than I ever saw before.

Maybe the phrase should be changed to"Swear like a college student" or "Swear like an AD member."
wonder how did that phrase come about.... :hmm:

Well, there is a history behind it. Back in the ol' days, only men could be sailors and they went on long voyages without seeing any women at all. So they made a habit out of using whatever language they please to.

It's not encouraged these days though.
:dunno: I hear a lot worse language being used by college students than I ever heard during my Navy career. I also see a lot more profanity being used here at AD than I ever saw before.

Maybe the phrase should be changed to"Swear like a college student" or "Swear like an AD member."
LOL. I was once told it's more accepted to swear in the deaf culture, so "Swear like a deaf" should work, too.
I've never heard the term, to "swear like a sailor."
I have, however, heard of swearing like a longshoreman.
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Haha no wonder! Its hard not to swear when you got hurt bad.
Oh I've said things in front of my pastor when I was in high school that would have made his momma blush!

I was in the 4x1600m relay - last leg, 3rd lap, I get a MAJOR cramp from my hamstring to my calf. As I ran past him he said "C'mon go faster!" or something like that. I told him to STFU Lardass! :shock:

I've had so many cussing fits people tend to remember me for them. I had one guy come up to me and he said "I couldn't figure out where I worked with you from but then I realized you were the one that had a cussing fit during spray down and threw the stand across three lines!"


Usually if I'm in extreme pain the first thing out of my mouth is GD, Son of a bitch!
That's why Dr Greg House have his way to reduce the pain, doing many crazy thing
Good. That's why I swear all the time on FB because it makes me feel good.
My friend who is very religious did not believe me when I told her that swearing reduces pain and emotional stress in certain moments. She looked at me like I had lost my mind.
My friend who is very religious did not believe me when I told her that swearing reduces pain and emotional stress in certain moments. She looked at me like I had lost my mind.

Nope! You are perfectly sane. Official proclamation!:giggle:
Nope! You are perfectly sane. Official proclamation!:giggle:

Yay! I'm declared sane and competent! She asked me if I ever felt guilty afterward for it. I said no, because if I felt guilty I would just swear some more to make me happy again, LOL. :lol: