Would you eat spiders for

Would you eat spiders for

  • Yessssssssss

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • Hell Nooooooooooooo

    Votes: 24 75.0%

  • Total voters
yeah i would.. eat spider for 1 million... 35% of 1 million goes to taxes left me to keep $650,000.. is still a good deal to eat few spiders...

eatting spiders does no harm to ur body.. they have proteins.. :D
HECK NO WAY!!!!!!!! I would not to eat the spiders eww it gonna taste so awufl!!! eww lol but I am not scare of spiders but not want go near and let the posion spider bite me no way lol :lol:
AJ said:
hell no....i wouldn't even HOLD a spider for 1 million dollars. i am a huge arachnaphobic. i cant stand them at all. i go into a panic attack

Put bunches of spiders under your sheets tonight. :naughty:
Liebling:-))) said:


ran ran catch them chopped their heads off Grab Cheri / Angel's BBQ to rubbing all over their bodies. Grilled them !!

Yummy !!! :fruit:
Liebling - I just had incredible goosebumps and my titties hurt :( DON'T DO THAT!