Would you call me a loser?

As for the hypothesis that Philip C McGraw PhD is a "snakeoil" salesman with a PH D-smile! He seems to have "fooled" a few persons- like Oprah Winfrey or Frank Lawlis etc. Just passed by 10th season on TV.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
As for the hypothesis that Philip C McGraw PhD is a "snakeoil" salesman with a PH D-smile! He seems to have "fooled" a few persons- like Oprah Winfrey or Frank Lawlis etc. Just passed by 10th season on TV.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

Fooled them? Nope, they are snake oil salesmen, too!:laugh2: You don't seem to understand the difference between a performer making money off of other people's problems and an actual practicing clinician. No wonder you are so screwed up.:P
Wirelessly posted (droid)

One might call you wise for avoiding douchebags. Waiting for better is not bad.
There are many good suggestions posted previously. Some of the things I can think of adding is, first don't be so hard on yourself. Defeating yourself is never a good move. Instead think positive!

Second, take into account that your not looking for a duplicate you, your looking for a companion, someone who your going spend time with, so their definitely going to have some differing habits, likes, dislikes and all that. So take dating with a few grains of salt.

Plus - remember that it'll take some patience while dating to 'sift the wheat from the chaff' so to speak. Not every guy is going to be "dating gold". :)

Also, if your feeling adventurous, perhaps consider going to a larger town. That will open up some more opportunities for both dates and friends. Try checking out other social get togethers & groups.

Anyways, Good Luck!
"screwed up" according to pseudo computer screen "wantabees". Right- take with "barrel of salt".

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Would I call you a loser? Nope.

I don't bar/club/party either. I think most people get into relationships because either A) they feel a need for it. Or B) they feel like having another completes them. No way is wrong. The way I see it, happiness should come from within and the bf/gf should just be the topping to the cake which is your life.
I cant call you looser..Maybe its not about time..explore your self in everything.Do what you don't want to do because that is the only thing blocking your way to have your boyfriend..If you are looking for someone you can't find it in your backyard people always looking for generous and challenging girl..hope you'll find your special someone soon..
Had a friend that sort of felt the same way you do....She stayed home all the time..I told her she had to get out there if she wanted to find someone....guys are not gonna be knocking on ur door if they don't know ur there!.....

You have to get out there, make urself visible...join clubs, art galleries...whatever floats ur boat. There are many singles everywhere, all ages looking for a mate. The only other word I can give, is don't lower ur standards when looking for a date, (as long as they are reasonable)....and don't seem (to the opposite sex) "desperate" either. Be confident and sure of ur self-worth. If the guy smokes or don't go to Church, then it's not to ur liking...so it's no skin off ur nose, lady!....Dating guys who are "liers" to begin with are nothing but imposters in wolf's clothing.....I would much rather stay home with a good book than date someone who was absolutely "not my type".

But, also remembering, that geting married, having a mate..is not everyone's destiny. Life works out in mysterious ways...it did for me.
You are absolutely not a loser. I am sure , you have lots to offer and be genuine to some lucky guy. Some guys are jerks! They just don't realize what they have til it's gone.