Why is it $3 a Gallion? Heres your Answer?

I am hoping that the people will make necessary changes in their lifestyles to reduce use of gas without waiting for our gov't to do it--politicians listen to those who have $$ and power influence. But Im not holding my breath tho. There is only so much oil in the ground and the oil countries are pumping it out fast as they can and all the big countries are sucking it up. We don't have much extra oil to bring the price of oil down like we used to. :(
Dubai sucks... If they find that you are homosexual then you will into death. That's violate human rights... :eek:
is it really 3 dollar per gallon down there? wow, here it is 1.03 or something like that.. and my family, and family are complaining about that. guess we shouldn't complain now.. :whistle: :ugh3:
$3 a gallon! Gosh that's CHEAP!

Compared to the heavily-taxed price here in the UK which is currently equivalent to £3.65 (US$6.50) a US gallon!!
I'd say you US people are very LUCKY indeed!
CutePommie said:
WOW!! unbelieveble see this pictures ... 258!! I understand some of you are complaint to not be agree ... well this country never having snow .. let them having fun as who cares!! they are rich let them be waste their money on it .... most countries does have all the seasons every year they doesn't have..


I am not taking sides.. but its business that they are making to grow for their home town/city..

like we sell something to grow our business.. same concept... they sell oil or gas.. we buy from them.. even its expensive or whatever.. they earn $$ and build something for their business.. now they have other business to make more money..

just be happy that we still have gas/oil.. even its expensive.. thats few things you have to think about or sit down.. to sarficate (give up) your expenses.. I sarficated alot of things so i could use money to keep family in good shape.. I gave up outing or spend my money.. I gave up drinking and doing drugs pretty long time ago.. all that money I spend now saved..

you guys can do that.. give up out eat often maybe twice a month.. try to make meals at home, cut cable (tv) keep internet for VP/computer.. ebay.. collections etc etc..

if you mention about that usa buy oil/gas from them.. and they are terriorists. they are not.. terriorists are trying to get in the way.. or take over.. but we buy supplies from them and support them (not only usa.. most other countries)...
Pigs do fly
catch it and breed it.. then sell for $.. put in guiness records.. lol