Why I love being hard of hearing


New Member
Jul 13, 2006
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I can think of many good reasons why I am thankful for being hard of hearing:
1) Good times such as:
-In 3rd grade when I was wearing my FM, my teacher left to go to the bathroom, and left her microphone on! (yes, I could hear it)
-Hearing the teacher yell at the kid she took out of class into the hall for misbehaving and having all the kids surround me asking me what was going on :Owned:
-Taking my hearing aid partially out of my ear to make that loud annoying noise I cannot hear yet everyone else can just to spice up the hour
-Trick the person I cannot hear into thinking I am listening by smiling, nodding my head, and saying "yea, yea."
-Using the "My hearing aid battery is dead" excuse to have unlimited uses of the bathroom pass (we were only issued 5)
-Going to audiologist to drop the wood in the bucket after hearing them say the words "baseball, airplane, hotdog, etc" in a monotone-like voice
-Always getting out of errands (by accident, honestly!) because I never hear the person give the errands
-Giving my microphone to students in other classes while wearing my FM so they do stupid things that make me laugh out loud and look like a weirdo
-Seeing people fascinated at how I say 'chicken' (as 'shicken') and asking me to repeat over and over
-Saying "what" 2,000 times a day
-Hearing things like, "Holy crap you can read lips!?!"
-Making everyone around me angry for using closed captioning
-Using sign language only to hear people say, "Holy crap that's amazing!" "So how do you say ______ in sign language?!"
-After listening to a girl yap for a half hour, saying "Oh sorry, I didn't hear a word you said. Do you mind moving to the other side of me and speaking into my good ear?" :)
-Lastly, having the greatest deaf and hard of hearing teacher to help me get by each day.

Umm... that's all I can think of for now.
:gpost: :applause: One teacher in a Christian school yelled at me in private for turning my hearing aids off on him. Well, shoot, I wouldn't have if he not only listened to me but said something to me that was worthwhile! :P

Thanks for the laugh!
lol that is pretty funny. I dont have all those cuz i dont use hearing aids but im goign to be using an fm system my personal best so far have been
-when i first started having hearing probs my teachers wouldnt give me crap for being a lil late for class cuz since there were 2 bells..i must not of heard one or both of them
-having me and one of my friends who recently found out she is deaf (crazy coincidence) be put in the teachers "learning corner" only for us to start drawing or almost fall asleep cuz all we were really hearing is blah blah blah
-have my friends think i laugh at all their jokes cuz there actually funny but really i dont even catch the punchline...
-getting out of watching sum of the educational movies cuz the volume wouldnt go any louder and would only make me that more frusterated not being able to hear it..aka my teacher let me go for a 20 min walk around the school :)
-Intentionally not listening to my mom sometimes when she tells me to wash the dishes or go put gas in the car...huh..what did you say???
- Pretending im not paying attention when im in the car with my friends..they think since i cant hear them they can talk about stuff or tell secrets..only to then realize that wat thought was kinda dumb since they kno i read lips..lol
-The right to get offended when someone makes fun of deaf people especially the helen keller jokes..sum of those are really mean!
- The best for me would have to be my family and some friends cuz they have helped me since i started to lose my hearing and have really bad tinnitus...as my friend once put it just think of it as an extra lil advantage "you don't have to hear sum of the annoying things durin the day like the lights buzzing, and you have a 24/7 concert in ur head :ugh2: "..i laughed n said she could have the concert and that i didnt mind the loss of hearing..lol