Who's got "Wii Elbow"???


New Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Did anyone hear about people complaining about different symptoms after playing the Wii?? LoL what a bunch of crybabies. Sure maybe they'll be tired after playing, perhaps even a little sore, but if that's the case, put it down until you've rested. These people are dolts. From what I understand most games you don't even have to be 100 percent physically involved, just reach your arm over... flick the wrist... and presto the same effect has been reached as the guy next to you who dove across the room doing a backward somersault and a roundhouse kick. Don't get me wrong when I get the Wii I'll be active as hell but if you re going to be like that don't complain? can i get an AMEN! haha

also people throwing their controllers is funny, If they are replacing these "accidently" throwing these controllers, then I will be in heaven because I have been an avid "intentionally" controller thrower for years, in my latest adult years i have been much much better, as i've either matured or realized that the bill for the new controller is now coming out of my pocket, not my moms lol. I guess now that I play less videogames I enjoy it more than previously when it was more of my life consumption. (though it still occupies a decent chunk).
At least eat a bunch of engery bars and drink afew soft drinks with some caffeine in it...then you are all jacked up with full of engery in you and off you go like hell!
I agree.

I've played all the Wii Sports games and don't have any problems. I don't bowl like a madman, I don't swing the bat like a mad power hitter, I don't swing the racket like I'm crazy, and I don't swing the clubs like there's no tomorrow. The moves can be done easily with the flick of the wrist and that's it. :)
I would be in Reality World Imagination and playing in there..
Than tiny t.v. screen.
I agree galaxy, let's put our money together and get a big TV, we'll keep it at your house, because my house is too small.
Where's the fun in that?

Imagination... that's what get you going.
My friend got his Wii. We played his Wii Sports. He played for two days sweating his ass off. I play for my first time using the flick of the wrist and score better than he did.

Bowling? He scored 60. I scored 235.

Tennis? He scored 4. I scored 28.

Baseball? He got 4 homeruns. I got 15 homeruns.

Golf? He scores bogeys. I score birdies.

Recently, he started complaining about arm and elbow soreness. :roll:
He aint a hardcore gamer if he whines and complains about his pains...just be a man and keep on gaming! lmao :rofl: Its obviously good excerise thou.
It's take some time to get usually with Wiimote and continue tp practice more with games.

If he is complain about Wii then get 360 or PS3 since PS3 isn't like Wii and only to move the hand on direction and motion sensor are different with tilt.

There's options for PS3 that you can turn motion sensor off or on to make relax with your hand.

I got the WII for the person I care to gift the 14 years old guy.

I realized its not easy to watch and all that being parent. I do look over that guy and want see him in shape. So I believe WII is good and anyone of you can help me which game that can move the legs instead arms. You know what I am saying and if you do. can you tell me one.?

I got the WII (December 17th) limited time, I stood the line on December 16th at 7pm and stand there with lawn chair. I was shiver and cold. Final I got the WII at 10am in the morning. There are several people in the line. It is interesting to watch people how they keep warm because its my first time. Since I stood there first row and got it.

I bought Zelda and Excite Truck, I think they are good for him to excite instead sitting on the chair and play the game.
So I believe WII is good and anyone of you can help me which game that can move the legs instead arms. You know what I am saying and if you do. can you tell me one.?

The best "exercise game" out there is Dance Dance Revolution. I think it's only available for the Playstation and Xbox, though, not for the Wii. When you buy it, you get the pad to put on your floor and dance on. It's fun and can be good exercise.
Yes ideafspy, interpretrator has a good idea, if you haev the playstation 2 or xbox they do make you excersize with your feet a lot! and it s very fun, my friend makes me do it with him.
Wii owners, it is ok to admit "Wii have a problem"..
Wii Have A Problem...
A website dedicated to the pains caused from playing with the Nintendo Wii. Hilarous, I knew the Wii would attract people who normally don't really play video games.
Check out the black eye on the girl, and the guy who broke his arm. Wii is serious business! Serious business!
Clearly, your friend is no gamer.

The weird thing is that he has played a lot of games growing up and he's more addicted to games than I am.

I guess it's just that I have patience when it comes to playing games unlike those gamers who smack those buttons and shake the joystick like madmen.

I remember years ago when arcade games were popular. I'd be playing all night with others on games like Mortal Kombat or Killer Instinct. When I (and a few others) play, we move the joystick in the appropriate directions and tap the buttons in the correct order at the correct time to do whatever we want. Of course, there were others who would squeeze the joystick like their lives depended on it, shake it wildly, bang the buttons like they didn't work, and make facial expressions as if he was raging mad.
I bought Wii last month on eBay one day after Wii launch day and I finally started play Wii last night and wow, I love it!! I wonder what else Wii games are best to play? Downhill Jam? Excite Truck? Need For Speed Cabron? Red Steel? What else?