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I wondered the same thing too...never heard of an audi "forgetting" to get a terp. Wonder if that was on purpose in the hopes of avoiding the meeting?

I would not be second guessing what happened it was not the client that needed the terp but a friend of the client that need a term. In one of my situations the person in the front office scheduling provide a terp when I needed one to see a ENT. I would not think to much about it.
That's cold if someone is blaming the deaf person for lipreading wrong. Really really :cold:

Did someone lipread the mother and interpretated it in the wrong way?
Just curious.....

How did this info come out anyway? Did someone lipread the mother and interpreted it wrong.. Perhaps the mother only knew a little sign and used "surgery" instead of "procedure".

Right there it is, from posts #191 and #192. Since deafbajagal is the deaf individual in the equation, cloggy was basically saying that this never occurred as she has related it, but is just a case of her not "lipreading" the mother correctly, or that the mother used the sign for "surgery" when she meant "procedure" and deafbajagal interpreted it wrong.

Given that the mother requested deafbajagal's assistance, we all know that it wasn't a case of misinterpretation. But such an accusation is most certainly a case of ingorance. Not to mention, as you stated,:cold:
I would not be second guessing what happened it was not the client that needed the terp but a friend of the client that need a term. In one of my situations the person in the front office scheduling provide a terp when I needed one to see a ENT. I would not think to much about it.

It wasn't second-guessing. Deafbajagal stated that the audi told her that she "forgot" to schedule" a terp. And, in her position as an advocate for this parent, she is perfectly entitled to one.
Hmmm...Cloggy is right! I could have made lots of mistakes lipreading and using my speech.

Shoot. I guess we should all drop oral education right here and now so all children will learn sign language so when they grow up- they won't be like me.
Topic: Ethical issues related to an audiologist's actions and making decisions for a parent; parent's rights to make informed choices

Off topic: Insulting posters; Anti-CI/Pro-CI views; Direct communication between posters (please use the PM feature for this purpose); whether or not the OP is lying about the situation or doesn't know what she's talking about; how "far fetched" the "story" seems to you

I would hate to ask a mod to close, lock, and delete this thread...but if the insults continue, I will.

Let's play nice, folks. And I respectfully ask for all of us to get back on topic.
Topic: Ethical issues related to an audiologist's actions and making decisions for a parent; parent's rights to make informed choices

Off topic: Insulting posters; Anti-CI/Pro-CI views; Direct communication between posters (please use the PM feature for this purpose); whether or not the OP is lying about the situation or doesn't know what she's talking about; how "far fetched" the "story" seems to you

I would hate to ask a mod to close, lock, and delete this thread...but if the insults continue, I will.

Let's play nice, folks. And I respectfully ask for all of us to get back on topic.

Gotcha! My apologies. :)

Anyways, what will the mother do if the audi did say that she felt it was needed for her to make the appt without the her contest? What would be the next plan of action to be taken? If that's too personal, I undy.
Gotcha! My apologies. :)

Anyways, what will the mother do if the audi did say that she felt it was needed for her to make the appt without the her contest? What would be the next plan of action to be taken? If that's too personal, I undy.

My apologies, too, deafbajagal!

That's a good question, Shel. As a mother, I know I would find another audi ASAP! As an advocate, I would definately ask for peer review of both this audi, and the surgeon to who she refers.
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