Who hard to find someone right?


Active Member
Jan 8, 2020
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Hi how are you doing?
Depends communication with you
What do we feel comfortable everything through mental health and emotional that important if we should understand especially situation personal if problem solve... First few days to continue just slow,not jump.
Maybe couple have decide to agree or disagree for personal reasons ☺️
If who have respect them even if not work love then they better be friend. Or it's work love to be relationship from heart development and understand situations life.
I guess....
Hi how are you doing?
Depends communication with you
What do we feel comfortable everything through mental health and emotional that important if we should understand especially situation personal if problem solve... First few days to continue just slow,not jump.
Maybe couple have decide to agree or disagree for personal reasons ☺️
If who have respect them even if not work love then they better be friend. Or it's work love to be relationship from heart development and understand situations life.
I guess....
If if who is hard find mr right. You can find me mr right
If if who is hard find mr right. You can find me mr right.

If I feel like interest who is good man right for me cuz man know how to respect,to patient,to loyal,to understand and support share for equal each other.

"work on your self for yourself "

If depend on man communication with someone feel happy and inspiring maybe they more understand that their open mind look like mature each other.. nothing happening..to be connect have soulmate maybe your heart to listen by your feeling good mood and inspiring or comfortable no matter what good or bad time that is fine.

If Depends you are first time to date real person..., Please Your mind and heart need to be patient and respect to someone without rude.

Better simple question and answer for nice to talk to the person .

Woman and man should not judge someone is more more deep personal.

Don't question much and don't force..
If she/he answer no or yes

Why some one wanna know if she /he was experience the past and answer Yes?

Someone can ruin her or him life..
Some one is negative think of everything and who never understand their situation personal..

I noticed Someone have partner with man ,
She suspected he hide met woman anywhere.

She tried texting her pm" did u met her partner?"
Woman said" Huh?? no, didn't met him.
Before Only online on cam they did know the past even never met him anymore. "

"She thought he liked her (kind and attitude personal). "

She said "you still hide with him?
Woman said no, never Why ?
If are you misunderstood?how come I met him? "
She said "not misunderstood but heard about u from any man did? You accepted ?"

Woman was rude and surprised "why did she know about woman's background? woman was thinking if girl is curious with girls and boys gossip about her??"

Woman said "especially any man abuse or beg something but woman refused to any man..
Later men abused her became weak when woman still savior no pregnant by few a man since." Woman won't met other man if man is not respect to woman , woman will to find to Way that better protection be safe."

If "PLEASE stop question too much
Please don't be spoiled on woman by someone seems curious.

Woman noticed if she feel jealous and stress she's responsible feed the child is growing.,

She using her partner man must support to child...man have hide another woman with one child "..

She still stalk and keep control on him every day, every year.
They are not yet get marriage. Only they are live in.

Girl feel envy on Woman is smart and stay single choose enjoy stay forever and always faith with God in heart be strong..

Woman was adjust new a life,still be careful to wise who is good man and details personal,not require.
That is normal important respect anyone.. But very sad ..... I know no prefect world hard to find to trust with someone.
Don't need to worry about relationship or marriage. Better find building friendship until... Not rush.

If woman will have feel soulmate with someone as friends building friendship communication first date meet each other that slow processing to be continue for one a year or two a years or 8months , not one month..
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You right that means you had experienced been with your ex or still bf.
Yes Ex - boyfriend stalk on me this long story even I blocked him even never make love with him I was safe no pregnant.
Bec he wanted me pregnant too early that lack communication his details personal.

He complained and decided second another woman accepted get pregnant too early Bec her mother angry and obviously her bf is not good might He is secert temper one more another woman again.
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Well, this is not easy to find a right person due to different communication, personality, appearance, etc. Love is very important than other things that someone demands to do something.