Where's everyone?


New Member
Oct 25, 2009
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Hey everyone. My name is Ryan and I just moved from Rochester, NY to Boston, MA last month. I like Boston and lifestyle there a lot. It's just that I'm not used to seeing a few or no deaf people in Boston Where are they? Hiding? lol Anyway, I'm new here and hopefully I'll find some new friends in my area. I just joined [mod edit] recently and it's a pretty cool networking site. It looks like it's very new and opened recently.

Bug me if you're from Boston. :D

HI RYAN! hope you enjoy chatting up a storm with all of us..
Sorry tho I live in the huge lone star state :P
several deaf teachers and counselors are working at the learning center in framingham. That is only thing i can think of. good luck. =)
I don't know anything about Boston and if there were any Deaf communities there. Only way is to google to search for Deaf organizations or look up in the phone book where you will find some in your area. There should be many Deaf people in Boston. Big cities always have advantages for Deaf people to access special needs like interpreters, etc. Very rarely will you find deaf people in small towns likely about one to four people or more. In Boston, you will not have any trouble finding where Deaf people are. :roll:
Moviefreak, I gotta love you for what you are saying and I have to laugh, pardon me. I do understand that you are used to having your accounts remove when you are not satisfy with AD. You got stuck with us here, but you can leave whenever you want to leave AD. We, ADers, have got to have thick skin to be strong to accept any remarks that hurt us or rude to us. That is what we are here to discuss whether we like it or not. If you don't like it here because of an Ader being rude to you. You got to stand up for your rights to discuss or you can just cool off for a day or two days or more until you can come back and be positive. Eh? How about it? Can you stay on here? :hmm: