When you're angry..

One word: revenge. It really is sweet. A little over two years ago, I was the primary whistleblower in a $50 million corporate bank fraud case. I used to work for the third largest record distributor in the United States. The company had defrauded an asset based lender into transferring a $15 million revolver to their name using fake collateral, and they were in the process of attempting to secure a $35 million dollar revolver from another lender using the same bogus collateral. One night, they got into my face about something stupid. I told them to take their job and shove it up their collective asses. The next day, I contacted both banks and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Two weeks later the company filed for Chapter 11. 150 people lost their jobs, several lives were ruined beyond repair, and the perpetrators have been buried in litigation ever since. And I’ve been loving every minute of it. :D
levoiian i can understand ur postion. but if u had known these dudes were doing this PRIOR to them saying something stupid u should have just called the cops and not wait til the comments were made to u, cuz u know sweet revenges will only backfire on u, it has happened to me a couple of times by my revenge to someone then i got the revenge back to me, so ur best bet????? just report it next time u see something happening like that, AND let it go with poeple talking stupid and thier being angry, it's THIER guilty concesience talking not themselves So thats my opioion, but i uddy ur postion of what u had done, Still be careful they can try and do revenge right back at u for thier damages and losses and lives being ruined!
You're absolutely right. To this day I regret not having done something sooner. Too many times I’ve seen criminal activity happening and I just let it slide, and innocent people got hurt. But it’s not going to happen again.