When is enough enough?

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My cousin is a police officer so I go through some of what cops go through so I can understand what Taylor had to say. Hopefully things will go much more smoothly in the future as you keep in mind what Taylor had to say. God Bless .....
Roadrunner said:
Mod Note:

I feel that this thread deserves to be made 'sticky' for the time being--


This is something (the things he outlined in his post) that we all can perhaps relate to at one time or another, although with Taylor, it can be a bit more difficult becasue of the position he represents....his integrity here is one that each one of us can look up to and uphold as well--the times he has given up to lean backwards in terms of helping with related issues to the field of law and/or the police. It's understandable at times when perhaps a few members feel the need or to take an opportunity to take advantage of him while he's a member here in AD, although, let's remind ourselves that the man holds a very responsible position, truly holding a busy schedule while at times, being fast-paced, sleep deprived simply because he has more angles (that come at him) to deal with than most of us would any given day. At any time, if a member seek his advice, please keep in mind that he may not respond immediately, (again, per his busy schedule, etc.) and to give him that respect, he deserves that much from AD'ers as well as we do our best to give respect to everyone here in AD. Afterall, how many of us can safely say we're out 'there' saving lives, getting into the business affairs of others so peace and justice can truly prevail on a daily basis? ;)

Amennnnnnn to you Roadrunner!!! :gpost: :cheers:
javapride said:
after reading your thread several times ( got distracted home of 3 dogs so make sense) i come to one conculsion,

you have every right to vent out your feelings.

I am appalled by some behaviors that have happened here, and not only that... you are human yes! you have feelings! you have a heart and soul of both worlds. Last but not the least you are respected by us for those who stood by you when you were hosptialized, lastly.....

those who can not respect you as an officer of the law and as a personal friend to u, are not worthy of being your friends, the reality is harsh the respect is earn not given. you were kind enuff to help, now i know u said in remote way the buck stops here, and i respect that, i see too many poeple taking advantage of your postion as a officer and of another state and not our own... there is 3 ways you can find out what your legal rights are...

one... google it!
two... ADA (www.ada.org) ( if im wrong on the website pls correct me thanks in advance)
three.... confer with the officer in your home area. yr city officer or sheriff's department or constable of your region)
4 if you want to get an opioion or clarifcation im sure taylor would help clarify it but pls don't overuse him for that purpose BUT thats ALL he's going to be doing.. because i don't blame him for feeling like overused relied on for help....

last but not the least internet is everywhere pls use it to your advantage.. stop taking up taylor's time when he could be using it to futher broaden his mind...

and taylor theres 2 ways you can do this... if thier personally attacking you in PMland. just do yourself a favor fwd it to the moderator let them handle it... 2nd u can also do this and we would respect it... turn off yr PM for a cooling off period so you won't get harsh replies from poeple... or poeple attacking your ingerity...

u did a job of venting out u got it off your chest, now best bet.. move on with your life knowing you have made a comment about how you feel and now u have a clear concesions (sp) on your mind, go forth and be the best you have already been, a great friend, and a great cop! :D

:thumb: Very well said Javapride!!!! :cheers:
DoofusMama said:
You shouldnt hate the cops or army or guards.. who serve this country.. they protect our country that we should be grateful for...

if no cops, or army or guards.. there will be bunch alot of sex offenders, criminals.. think about it..

if you have problems with cops.. not ALL of cops.. try to move on and start over.. thank them instead of mad at them.. I had problem with cop once, just because of miscommunications or impatient.. just had bad hair day... forgive them.. your life will be much better.. if not, you still have the attitudes or behaviors toward them, you will make them suspections that you are up to something.. (drugs or guns or etc).. let it go ..


ok you made your point...you are right not all of cops are bad...
Hey Taylor,

I know that its late in the thread and that pretty much everything has been said.

I admit that I am not very fond of cops (I have my reasons.), but I STILL realize that cops are human beings just like the rest of us. Everyone else here need to realize that too- just cuz you hate cops doesnt mean that you can get all pissy and be rude to them.

Plus, I m amazed that people were rude to Taylor after he bent over for them. I mean, he didnt have to help you out. If you keep that crap up, pretty soon, no one is going to help you out for anything anymore.

All I can say, Taylor, is to just ignore those fucking rude people. They dont deserve the time of your day.
Did you consider reporting the offensive messages to an Admin or a Mod?
I give you a pat on the back for being a police officer.
in the movie "Fallen", Denzel Washington plays a cop and is quoted in a bar, "A policeman does more in one week for America than all the presidents combined in history." I v always thought that was true, because you are the ones who get your hands dirty.
Again, I pat you on the back.
I've been thinking about what taylor said and it makes sense. looking through the forums, i see somebody making things up about taylor and then attacking him for the things she made up. i dont get it and when i said something about it, she attacked me. The thread is at http://alldeaf.com/showthread.php?t=24830&page=3&pp=20 and what she claims taylor said he never said. i started thinking about it and I wonder how much stuff people make up about cops to make them look bad even if they don't know that cop. I don't really like cops but I know they have a hard job to do but why do people make stuff up on purpose to make a cop look bad.

Awhile back some friends and me were eating breakfast at a Dunkin Doughnuts and there was a cop in there eating. my hearing friend told me that some guys where making oinking noises like a pig and thought it was funny that a cop was eating a doughnut. i looked to see what they were eating and they were eating doughnuts too. i guess cops are not human beings and dont need to eat. its ok for a guy to eat a doughnut and then make fun of a cop for eating a doughnut. then when those guys were leaving they realized they locked their keys in the car. guess who they asked to help them? the same cop that they were making fun of and he did help them. i guess he knew that if he didn't help them, they would complain on him.

taylor please keep up the good work. my friends brother is a cop in a county here and he told me about the deaf awareness program and knew who you were. he said it was when he was in academy training and he said he learned a lot. dont let jerks get to you.
2hot4you, wow I didn't know that you are 14 years old until today due your maturity posts... wow... You are similar as my oldest son.

Yes I'm agree that it's immaturity to call anyone liar... *shake my head*
What a great vent.... I agree with you that if people want to know whats law around their area, unless they live in your area that you would help with for ones who lives in Maryland. If I have questions about police things in Minnesota- don't worry, I got cop friends inculding my bestfriend- I can always ask them anytime. Sometimes people ask me whos their governor or political stuff in like Flordia, for example, I always tell them I don't know.. I am in similar position as you because I only know government in Minnesota not other states.

I agree that police officers do have feelings, and they even can cry, be sad, be happy, whatever they are in mood for. I hate it when people say oh police don't have any feelings- but most of them have family, friends- but doesn't express in the public unless some situations like getting into arugement, police would show their pissed off feelings. When my cop friends are chatting with me, most of time they are happy, or when joking eachother, we all laugh.

You are a great guy, and I just see you as a orginial person instead of a cop here. I am on your side... If you wanna chat with me anytime, just PM me.
I agree with 2hot4u.... Whoever poke fun at cops in the public places are immature... Few years ago I asked a cop friend, why do people call cops pigs.. he said maybe because of their eating habits.. thats what he told me.... As for my cop friends, we do work at same place, and we usually tease eachother by gesture "I'm watching ya!"... Its kinda like tag game to us, and that would make us all laugh.
coloravalanche said:

I hope I am not one of them.. :ugh: I emailed you part 1 and part 2 about my past and was hoping that you could help me out...but you DIDNT! I am very much disappointed that you never reply me back at all...

I was hoping to get to know you better...since I hate cops for years...I was hoping that you would give me insight to see positive about cops...now, I am not sure about cops anymore.... :ugh2:

Remmy, Deafies and Hearies are in different culture! If you are tired of it, then dont bother to read our thread about it...

BTW, the police department has done NOTHING about my report against the deaf man who have been telling deafies that he was going to murder me...The D.A. has done nothing either! I am planning to see the FBI about this! I trust the FBI - not the cops nor the D.A.!


Shut your mouth. I have permanently placed you on my ignore list. Taylor has been nice to everyone here, but you have not, not by a long shot. I have called your character into question when you complained about your hearing dog in your apartment and the landlord problem. Yet, you give me a website of whom you have no contact with and I contact its owner. You tell her, the owner, to mind her own business and go to hell. I have a suggestion for you: Go away. Scram! Make sure the door don't hit you on the rump on the way out.

Taylor, yes, I had mentioned a problem once, to my knowledge. I can see the police's point of view. I have two cousins that are cops here in Minnesota and he confirms what you said concerning the "battered wife/girlfriend" issue. They call the police, then they wonder why loverboy is being arrested.

I hope you don't leave, Taylor. We all need people like you here.
pek1 said:

Shut your mouth. I have permanently placed you on my ignore list. Taylor has been nice to everyone here, but you have not, not by a long shot. I have called your character into question when you complained about your hearing dog in your apartment and the landlord problem. Yet, you give me a website of whom you have no contact with and I contact its owner. You tell her, the owner, to mind her own business and go to hell. I have a suggestion for you: Go away. Scram! Make sure the door don't hit you on the rump on the way out.

Taylor, yes, I had mentioned a problem once, to my knowledge. I can see the police's point of view. I have two cousins that are cops here in Minnesota and he confirms what you said concerning the "battered wife/girlfriend" issue. They call the police, then they wonder why loverboy is being arrested.

I hope you don't leave, Taylor. We all need people like you here.

:roll: :whistle: :popcorn: :ugh: you are bashing me and it is against the rules~

I am not rude to Taylor...I have lot of respect for him!
Liebling:-))) said:
2hot4you, wow I didn't know that you are 14 years old until today due your maturity posts... wow... You are similar as my oldest son.

Yes I'm agree that it's immaturity to call anyone liar... *shake my head*

WOW!! :naughty: <<sigh>> makes me wish I was 14 again . . . you're cute, 2hot4you ;)
pek1 said:
WOW!! :naughty: <<sigh>> makes me wish I was 14 again . . . you're cute, 2hot4you ;)

leave young women alone..... stop posting some pevert messages.... If you want to say something to young women, use apporiate words not some naughty message like you are out getting them...
Yeah I agree.. it creeps out if someone said to my daughter like that too. :ugh:

racheleggert said:
leave young women alone..... stop posting some pevert messages.... If you want to say something to young women, use apporiate words not some naughty message like you are out getting them...
FelixKat930 said:
Yeah I agree.. it creeps out if someone said to my daughter like that too. :ugh:

I second that...perhaps he is pedophile... :whistle:
coloravalanche said:
I second that...perhaps he is pedophile... :whistle:

He is not... he just say I wish to be 14 years old AGAIN...
and said her *nick name*..

I wish I am 14 again to experienced teenager again..

Chill out you guys.. pek1 isnt bad guy as you all think..

racheleggert said:
leave young women alone..... stop posting some pevert messages.... If you want to say something to young women, use apporiate words not some naughty message like you are out getting them...

I just said previous msg.. he didnt do anything.. just saying wish..
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