What's your dinner tonight?

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yesterday have brown rice with asparagus. then orange, apple, and banana.
Tonight I will be fixing sweet Italian turkey sausage, white rice and lima beans. Daughter will have carrot sticks.
Blackberries were on sale $1, also, Green Giant vegetables in sauce on sale $1.

So you will understand my menu, Corn in Butter Sauce, fresh blackberries, cole slaw, and orange juice. Maybe add a grilled Swiss sandwich for protein.
Tonight I will be fixing sweet Italian turkey sausage, white rice and lima beans. Daughter will have carrot sticks.

Not sure where my head is, not white rice, but garden rotini tonight.
I eat to something :P!! also something! meat things i forget :lol:
Tonight MIL is going to weight loss meeting and I'm not sure where dinner will be as the check she had me cash is larger than normal for a Monday. The family will be having spaghetti with salad.
Does anyone else get irritated when they make a really good dinner, and the spouse/significant other/kids don't eat it or don't like it?

I bragged here about the chicken cacciatore I made a couple days ago. IMHO, it turned out delicious - just like Nonna used to make. The crock pot makes huge portions, so this is enough for 3 days' worth of dinners for the two of us.

So, first night, hubby ate it, but basically said "Well, I don't like it as much as you do." Last night, he had a bowl of cereal while I re-heated one portion of the chicken dish for myself.

Now I still have a lot left, but he won't eat it. Claims "he doesn't like noodles." OK by me, I put the stuff in the fridge in 3 different containers (noodles, chicken, tomato and vegetable sauce) so he can have it without noodles, just the chicken with tomato sauce. But he says he doesn't like the seasoning.

Bah, humbug. How did a good Italian girl like myself end up with an Englishman who likes tasteless food with little or no seasoning??
BG - that sounds like my household. Hubby wants bland food, son wants spicy food, mother wants mild food and daughter wants nothing that is mixed together. Son also doesn't like things mixed together. One thing though, they love my chicken cacciatore. I get requests for it a lot and one thing I better have is the penne' for the sauce.
Right now I'm braising chicken legs in tomato sauce with anchovy paste, basil, onions, garlic and kalmata olives added to it. It will be served over cooked rice and spinach salad on the side with milk. I invented the sauce on the spot.
I was supper not sure bit complication meat different kindly! and hot suarce, bacon, corn :P
Hebrew National hotdog on bread with cranberry horseradish sauce, cole slaw, buttered cubed potato, and orange cake with apricot/white chocolate glaze.
Well - MIL decided on Applebee's so I had the 9 oz house sirloin with a baked potato and steamed veggies. I told them nothing on the potato due to allergies and they actually listened. I had my own butter and I brought some pico de gallo just in case. Boy was it yummy!!!!
<below kinda long for topic>

sauteed chickpeas with tomato sauce and Middle Eastern spices, egg white omelette, soy yogurt and salad.

hubby had baked chicken, sauteed mushrooms and steamed carrots and salad.

dogs usually have their raw food which varies daily<don't use kibble or cans with them> but last night there was left homemade dog stew from a nutrition demo at the shelter over the weekend. My friend who is the behavior department manager focused on holistic health care and training, so food is the basis with that. The county the shelter is in was having a Winter carnival-type thing and the shelter took part, so we had demos', <including sled dog rides> games for kids and dogs, and other public activities including the holistic canine health seminar the manager did. She had yummy two recipes that people could help prepare and take home. One was "Poodle Parfait" which is a Sundae with non-fat, plain yogurt, Cheerios, a ground flax and other-seed-powder supplement and frozen berries.
The other was the homemade stew with beef, organic potatoes, carrots, olive oil...which participants helped to cut up. She had sample already made and prepared a new batch there so people could actually see how it was to do- same as a stew for a person.

So I went to this to see what she had to say and to help out and took home some of the samples. Girls enjoyed it very much!
Tonight, I will be fixing: boneless pork loin chops marinated in a soy/ginger sauce, white rice and my mother is choosing the vegetable as I type. It will either be carrots, mixed vegetable, or corn.
Going out to Denny's with a large family group, and thinking I will probably eat spinach salad.
We had $5 pizza tonight. A new place opened up near my house where you can get ANY large pizza for $5. That's it! So I went home armed with 2 pizzas for $10 altogether. What's the place called? $5 Pizza ! They even have a drive through :)
We had $5 pizza tonight. A new place opened up near my house where you can get ANY large pizza for $5. That's it! So I went home armed with 2 pizzas for $10 altogether. What's the place called? $5 Pizza ! They even have a drive through :)

Was the pizza any good?
Yeah! Just like any pizza you would have delivered.
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