What's your dinner tonight?

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Steak, baked potato and tossed salad.
French dip sandwich, chips, and chicken soup. Plus a blueberry creme roll from Little Debbie. New product I think. Really good.
Tonight's planned meal is pork, pasta and green beans.
Chinese - it's this months dinner with other widows/widowers from my church.
Out somewhere unknown with nursing student daughter who is celebrating inserting her first IV on a living patient.
Hey, I refused to let her experiment on me! :lol::lol:
Don't blame 'ya. My daughter is in Nurse Tech in high school. She wants to do something in the medical field (maybe doctor).
Our local hospital has a VEST lab (Virtual Education and Simulation Technology) where nurses can practice on "dummies". This lab has several computerized mannequins that allow all staff members (and students) to practice on all kinds of "problems":
Virtual Education and Simulation Training Center
Homemade lasagna, baby peas and rolls.

I made homemade lasagna so not really hard to do it.
Cannoloni, breadsticks, meat sauce, and Diet Coke, but I ate it in a restaurant while we were out walking.
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Foxrac said:
Homemade lasagna, baby peas and rolls.

I made homemade lasagna so not really hard to do it.

And lt of time to do it
We had Bud's Chicken. So I had 2 pieces of fried chicken, french fries, and corn fritters. (not dairy free and I am paying for ti, but it was soooo gooood!)
Sausages and mashed potato with vegetables.

Nieces and nephew decided they don't want to eat mashed potato, so they left some for me. Hehe.
Chinese beef with broccoli and rice tonight. Broccoli is probably my favorite vegetable especially when it's fresh and steamed. Mmm mmm mmm. Nom nom nom.
We are going to Subway tonight. It's Chuck on NBC> Official food.
Family is having pizza and I am having Sweet & Sour chicken with rice - veggie style.
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