What the heck is someone doing in my PM?

Been there, and not only at AD!!! I happen to get Yahoo e mail few months ago from a woman who said she's from Russia, gave me sad story about her family and what turned me off is that she wants to study me... After few conversations, I asked her "how can you afford come to America? Don't expect me to help you because I am unemployed and I don't have much resource and live on government owned apartment". Even though none of them are true, guess what? She never talked to me again!!!
I got those PM and emails... what i do is trash them... that is it!
Hhehee, diehardbiker. You reminds me of one letter. She was crying her eyes out about her husband, so the letter goes on about her Nigeria. So I decided to give her the fake account number...you know that funny: 1234567891011 and the fake city, fake phone nbr...same thing (123)456-7891 and did she fell into that? I kept on laughing. She replied and said, "those are not the account and I dialed but it said it's not the right numbers. Please kindly help me." Heheheheheeeeee..and decided to forward her email to FBI. Phhhftt! And once we talked slowly, she hasn't respond. Nail her!!! :D
Thats good one!!!
But be careful, he or she can crack in your PC and try to retrieve as much info as he or she can.
I wouldn't response though my own ISP e mail account. Preferred though generic E mail account like Yahoo, etc.

Whitewolf1970 said:
Hhehee, diehardbiker. You reminds me of one letter. She was crying her eyes out about her husband, so the letter goes on about her Nigeria. So I decided to give her the fake account number...you know that funny: 1234567891011 and the fake city, fake phone nbr...same thing (123)456-7891 and did she fell into that? I kept on laughing. She replied and said, "those are not the account and I dialed but it said it's not the right numbers. Please kindly help me." Heheheheheeeeee..and decided to forward her email to FBI. Phhhftt! And once we talked slowly, she hasn't respond. Nail her!!! :D
Snopes has a section on fraud that deals with Niagrain scam e-mails.....they have resources section, and I think there's an e-mail listed that you can use to forward the e-mails, so the FBI can investigate.
yea you guys that guy has been finding out my sn on yahoo and msn and is talking to me on there so yea i'm kinda freaked ot no notn kinda i'm really freaked out
diehardbiker65 said:
Thats good one!!!
But be careful, he or she can crack in your PC and try to retrieve as much info as he or she can.
I wouldn't response though my own ISP e mail account. Preferred though generic E mail account like Yahoo, etc.

Don't worry. It was last two years ago. But I was using my old Yahoo account on it and closed up. I only use my SBC DSL with few friends, relatives, officers and college and ohh yeah, my kids' school :D Making sure if they're doing good. :eek: Yep, that's their facial expression. :D
Lil_country_gal said:
yea you guys that guy has been finding out my sn on yahoo and msn and is talking to me on there so yea i'm kinda freaked ot no notn kinda i'm really freaked out

Don't worry, don't freak out. Keep your cool and just forward to FBI internet and to Nigeria Scam fraud unit. We're here to help each other if needed. ;)