Funny, I never knew any deafs like music that much.
I've been listening to music all my life, since I was a kid, when a couple of hot college girls gave me KISS Unmasked tape cassette when I was at my cousin's farm, and boy, I listened to that tape through her old tape recorder and after that, my dad's stereo with his clunky heavy headphones, for years... then I found KISS Killers, and KISS Dynasty and listens to them, one after the other, while I read books, from fantasy to crimes, to horror to science-fiction, and mysteries and it's always was the best thing to do, reading great stories with KISS rocking in the backgrounds....
I was 25 when I finally got through to an audiologist who understands what I wanted, a Y-cord that would connects my hearing aids to the tape player, and yep, she got it, and gave me it, and I still have it, years later. After that I asks for more, and they takes weeks, months, before they'll give it to me, sheet, you have to be on their arses, or they'll never move. Dumb government workers, they're so SLOW!
I got the idea of carrying my music with me, but tape players are not that good with batteries they'll run out fast, and it's too expensive to keep buying heavy batteries... so I thought of a better one, something to downloads the music into it and carry it, and I found it, an MP3 player and it rocks! Bought it, from Dick Smith Electronics and still gong strong three years now, soon be four when New Year comes... and I checks out different music, mostly sound tracks, classicals, and any music I sees, I go online, downloads them after hunting around, and tests them out. Some were terrible... I dont' know why, I try to adjust my brain but I always reverts to my KISS music, Unmasked to Dynasty, that's my ground, ain't no other that works for me. Oh well.
What I'm looking for is some deep music... some day I'll find it. No worries.
It's good to hear music, it expands the mind, and it gets rid of the tinnitus as well. Oh well. No worries, it's all good!