What is your state insect and bird?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2009
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Mine are the Lady Beetle and Chickadees . I did not know this . I will have to be careful and not to kill my state bug.
Carolina wren and Carolina mantid (despite beliefs that it's the Palmetto bug :lol: ). We also have a state butterfly and spider but the mantid (praying mantis) is the insect.

State Symbols of South Carolina
Eastern Goldfinch

No state insect.

I was taking to a neighbor about the birds in our yard and my neighbor said
we had a lot of 'goldfish' too , and I was thinking HUH?? My neighbor
said 'goldfinch ' but it sounded like goldfish to me. We both got a good laugh out of it! I guess the goldfish , I mean goldfinch ate all the insects in your state .
I was taking to a neighbor about the birds in our yard and my neighbor said
we had a lot of 'goldfish' too , and I was thinking HUH?? My neighbor
said 'goldfinch ' but it sounded like goldfish to me. We both got a good laugh out of it! I guess the goldfish , I mean goldfinch ate all the insects in your state .

Might be. It's so humid here in the summer, it is a joke that the mosquito is our state bird!
Wyoming bird: western meadowlark
flower: Indian Paintbrush
dinosaur: triceratops
animal: bison
reptile: horned toad/horned lizard
tree: cottonwood
fish: cutthroat

no official state insect, but the state butterfly is the Sheridan's Green Hairstreak

Dunno about mine (Florida)...have to goggle it....but one thing for sure...the state insect better not be the Cockroach!
Might be. It's so humid here in the summer, it is a joke that the mosquito is our state bird!

Maine state bird should be the blackflies . I guess you do not have many bats in your state. Bats eat ton of mosquitos.
Wyoming bird: western meadowlark
flower: Indian Paintbrush
dinosaur: triceratops
animal: bison
reptile: horned toad/horned lizard
tree: cottonwood
fish: cutthroat

no official state insect, but the state butterfly is the Sheridan's Green Hairstreak


I check your butterfly out online , it's very green and unusual looking , it's pretty . I never heard of fish called cutthroat . Do you eat them?
Wyoming bird: western meadowlark
flower: Indian Paintbrush
dinosaur: triceratops
animal: bison
reptile: horned toad/horned lizard
tree: cottonwood
fish: cutthroat

no official state insect, but the state butterfly is the Sheridan's Green Hairstreak


I think the butterfly's an insect.
The California bird is the California quail and the insect is the California dogface butterfly.....
Animal.....Grizzly Bear
Bird.........Valley Quail
Fish.........Golden Trout
Flower.......Golden Poppy
Insect.......Dogface Butterfly
I knew that the State bird is Greater Roadrunner.

Then I tried to look for the State insect and there were none.

State flower is Soapweed Yucca. :)