What is your news for today?

I keep telling you-- it's not made up. They're pretty stern on letting bikini clad women on buses-- see it every year.
Is it a massive problem in Chicago? Are throngs of bikini-clad women storming the buses?
Acceptable to whom?

The public? I generally don't ride buses during the summer, preferring to be on my bicycle, so I :dunno: exactly how it works, but in the rare cases that I do, bus drivers don't allow women to come in the bus wearing a bikini top and pants-- it has to be all covered up. If a woman attempts to board a bus wearing a bikini top, she won't be allowed access unless she covers up, then she may board the bus.


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Is it a massive problem in Chicago? Are throngs of bikini-clad women storming the buses?

Don't know. Been a rule for as long as I am aware, which is to say I've known about it for a few years, but it could be older than that, for all I know.


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Oh, well, they probably have enhanced Caller ID. Expect a visit later today. :cool2:

It was just a question-- they're not gonna send someone along unless I made a specific threat or said something to incriminate myself, neither of which happened, so I think it's okay. Anyways, the options DID say ‘other‘, so I'm good.


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It was just a question-- they're not gonna send someone along unless I made a specific threat or said something to incriminate myself, neither of which happened, so I think it's okay. Anyways, the options DID say ‘other‘, so I'm good.
You're right; they probably just thought you were planning your wardrobe for today. :giggle:
It can be what you want to share, or what news you heard about, or something unusual.

I'll start. Last Saturday, I met a good friend of mine downtown, and on the way, saw some insane action sitting on the #151 Sheridan bus headed to Union Station. Also picked up a strong smell of alcohol on the way, and let's just say that there were a lot of ladies on the bus, and leave it at that.


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Last Saturday is not today that is 3 days ago.
You're right; they probably just thought you were planning your wardrobe for today. :giggle:

Uh huh, sure. No cross-dressing from me.


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Good gosh, no. They were wearing green all right, not like THAT. Bikinis aren't allowed on CTA buses.


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I can't not find anything on line that said illegal for women to wears bikinis on Chicago buses.