What is the difference? Please Read


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Dec 29, 2007
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What is the difference between Deaf and HOH?

As some of my online friends call themselves HOH and this confuses me, or is this what they prefer to call themselves or is there a certain amount of hearing loss you have to have to be called Deaf and HOH?
Well, you have to have a certain amount of hearing loss to be called hard-of-hearing -- probably moderate-to-severe

Deaf is 95% to 100% hearing loss.
but Deafness is not worked out in percentages(%)
There are medical and cultural definitions, which are you looking for?
We have talked about that ages ago about the differences of HOH and Deaf. As for the Deaf we are profoundly or severe deaf because we could not understand on the phone even with the volume in the middle of the phone to hear and listen to the voices. We are not able to lipread very well and misunderstand what the person say. We rely on tty or videophone to communicate with ASL.

HOH can hear talking and listening on the phone with the volume in the middle of the phone. They have moderate to almost near severe hearing loss. They can lipread with their hearing aid to make out what the hearing people say or understanding the Deaf people say. Some of the HOH want to be call HOH because of the audists or the mainstream school brainwash them to think they could hear better than Deaf people who could not. It is like label them between two groups. Also HOH claim that they do not want to sign ASL but now some do. Anyway, they can choose if they want to be Deaf instead of HOH and that is okay. We, Deafies, are not against that but we would love HOH to sign with us so that it is easier to understand with visual ASL when it comes to social event. I hope that would clarify everything up. If not, ask me here. :thumb:
From a medical standpoint.. I think a hearing loss with a dB level of 70 or less is considered HOH while those with a 90 dB or greater is deaf.

From a cultural standpoint, see Jiro's thread "Am I Deaf" There are different opinions about that.
Like this, I am completely deaf (no hearing) in my right ear. I have severe hard of hearing in my left ear. As what the doctors say, I am legally deaf. I pretty much can't hear at all as I hear so little. At least I can hear videogames and the TV.