what is a spiritual spouse

Mormon Doctrine is an controversial book among the LDS community, because there are so many errors in that book. It's not an official book of LDS church. LDS members are not fan of Bruce R. McConkie because Bruce R McConkie pulled a stunt by publishing a book without The First Presidency's permission. LDS members get upset and cringed when one says an quote from the Mormon Doctrine. They finally had stopped selling that book. I think LDS members should know about Bruce R McConkie's stunt before they give a "talk" at a chapel.


If you want to know the scriptures regarding the spiritual death and Adam and Eve, LDS.org have information on that. Just go to search on the top and type it in and they will show you everything. It's up to you.

(full disclosure)- I have LDS relatives and my half brothers are related directly to a cousin of Joseph Smith. My half brothers have their records at LDS church, but they chose to not practice it. They both drink alcoholic beverages.

I'm not Mormon, I just offered the suggestion.
It's more than frowned upon--it's illegal in the USA. Of course, the laws against bigamy and polygamy aren't always enforced as they should be. But that's true of a lot of laws.

There's probably some legal technicalities involved with some of these situations. That is, they haven't filed legal marriage licenses for their multiple marriages.
I believe Utah allows it?