What does your family tell you?


Prayers for my dad.
Premium Member
Nov 24, 2003
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This thread is similar of "What does your mother always tell you" This one is about What does your Family (father, sisters, brothers) always tell you before living out on your own?

My dad always tells me to work hard and be more independent, keep your goals up high and work your way through life.

My sisters always tells me that they're be there whenever I need them for support, loving and caring, no matter how tough life would be out in the real world, they're always will be there whenever I need them.

My step-mom always tells me how proud she is with me being a wonderful mother who struggle a lot through life surviving and keeping my boys in good shape, healthy, always had a place to live without falling apart on my own, I would fight my way through life without falling down. ;)
:) My parent's would always tell me to always study hard when I was in school. Be careful when you go out and who I would talk too. Always be nice to people. When my sister got herself into trouble, I was always there to help her, and she would tell me " she knew she could always count on me", " we only have each other, so we need to be good to each other".
Above all, never talk to strangers.
My Dad is always telling me to focus, pay attention, ect. I have ADD, so staying on a specific task is i n c r e d i b l y difficult for me, sometimes. I also don't multi-task worth a crap! :giggle:
My Adopt Parents always tell you, You're quite brat girl and hope so you'll wake up one day. (rolls my eyes up)

My Adopt sister tends tell me, I don't want you use my make up.. almost everyday...
Me say, Scarsatilly fine by me who cares!

My adopt Brother always tell me, Come and play w/me video games (Atari game)Pac Man...
me says, sure why not... keep me busy.. When I was teenager!
My half-brother doesn't tell me inspirational messages, but similar to Endy's-- he would call me names. He always tell me that my husband is gay. He always tell me that I am dorky. (well, that doesn't hurt me anymore since I have taken pride on being a dork ;) ) He certainly tells me a lot of other things that I wouldn't dare to post.

My dad will always tell me that I am his little girl forever. "Little BIG girl" after I protested that I was not a little girl anymore (when I was 13 years old). And that he hopes to see me again soon.

My mother-- check the other thread for the answer. :)
my mom always said to learn to be independence without them cuz they won't be around forever

of course she is right humans can't be around very long
Hmm...I can't think of one, but all I know is my grandma..

Every time I came and visit her, she will ask me the first thing "Hey you look you did lose more weight, how much did you lose????" every time!! I mean EVERY TIME I come to see her that made me feel good hehe!
My grandmother always told me, "If everyone else jumped off a cliff, would you do it too?" She was a very independent thinker.

My sister always tells me, "Stick to lemonade at the company party."
OceanBreeze, if you have ADD, doesn't that mean you over-mullti-task?! My daughter has ADHD and she is always doing 10 things at once!
My family told me a lot of things.

They told me about asset management, fine etiquette, and how to make spectacular Baklava that totally engages the taste! In fact, I think my family taught me so much of what I know today that I'm very thankful I had my parents for parents.

I'm thankful for all the times my brother and I hit each other in the groin too. Taught us how to be tough. ;)
My grandparents always told me to have a sucessful life and to succeed my goal and to work harder.

My mother always told me I'm her precious baby and to never let anyone put me down and put my foot down and stand up for myself.. I was always shy...hmm still am.. :giggle:

My sister always told me to never never do drugs cuz it'll ruin my life.
My parents never teach me and my siblings positive things and also never take care of our future...

All what I learn a lot from boarding school where I spent for years and years than at home. (I spend Easter, Summer and Christmas holiday with family, that's all). I feel being stranger toward my parents and siblings because we are TOTAL different due our manner behavior. (I think I told you in other threads).

Example about our manner behavior

All what I know from my parents is positive my deafness, that's all.