What do your dad always tell you?


New Member
Jan 20, 2004
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My dad would say "behave!", "Be good", even in e-mail and when I see him, we always say ILY to eachother before we leave work or somewhere to go on our own. We always hug when we meet.
BoomBoom said:
Never knew him, thank goodness.

Same as here, I got rid of my birth father... hes a deadbeat father, so thats why I am lucky to have a best friend who decide to be my father...
Be quiet!! :deaf:

Be thankful you got a job - lots of people would love to take your job!
Yes, that's very lucky. My dad split when I was 3 and we never saw him again. My granddaddy was a good father figure for us growing up, so I guess I was lucky too.

Dads like ours probably don't wouldn't give the best advice anyway.
DeafSCUBA98 said:
my dad would say " eric be quiet!"

:giggle: my parents would say that sometime (not always) just because Im loud even though I can't hear myself
BabyAngel said:
:giggle: my parents would say that sometime (not always) just because Im loud even though I can't hear myself

Originally Posted by DeafSCUBA98
my dad would say " eric be quiet!"

Same with me.

deaf children are nosier than hearing children!!

Even today, my daughter's friends thinks I am nosier in the Kitchen, slap the cupboards, washing up etc hee hee
My father once told me, "If you're going to only take one basic math class, make it Calculus."

That's coming from a guy who read me a biology textbook when I first came out of the womb.
My Dad said if you are going to smoke pot in your room be careful with the matches and don't catch the curtains on fire.
My Dad always says how much proud he is of me and how beautiful and talent I have and keep say why can't my siblings take my image...

He positive me about deafness... He always said that I should be glad that I have health eyes, brain, arms, legs, etc...

I know my post sound "brag" but I only give you truth answer...
My Adopt Dad tend says, (calling my name)Feet up proprite walk...
(Calling my name), Look and listen stop chewing loud!
(Calling my name), Please do your work that.. that... that.. that.... that... that... *UGH GIVE ME A BREAK* (mumbling shivers)

Totally I hate him 110%
/me happy disowed him since 12 years
He said......................................................................................nothing!
My dad always call me brat, picking on me abt everything, tickle me and such like that. He always say, be quiet! Stop being so brat! You silly girl. And such like that. :giggle: I do love my daddy, he and Im very closer ;)
my dad would say......i dont ever want to see u again.
My Dad

My Dad is ashamed of me because I'am hard of hearing, and no matter what I say even if I'am in the most incredible mood he always views me with such negativity.

My family is still learning that yelling at me ain't such a hot idea. And they picked up this weird bizarre way of talking to me after visiting the Cdn. Hearing Society in Toronto, which completely fucks me up, because it's far from normal and it's so aggravating.

It's very difficult going deaf when your older and don't know too many deaf people, and your family thinks down on the Deaf, and HOH people.
my dad would say "quit smoking!", "Shh, mom is trying to sleep, or Pat is tryingto sleep (Pat my brother), other things but my brain is shut down today.