What did you learn today?

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I am try best hard work impressive! i have focus my thinking hard work! i am strong!
Not good. I hope the water has gone down since you posted this. I am also surprised you have Target stores in AUS. Are they more common there than here? The nearest one to me is 65 miles to the east in Conway. I go there only once or twice a year when Maddie needs clothes for school. I wish they had one closer in Russellville.

As I write this, flooding is going up further north. Anyway, yes, we have Targets. I reckon in every few suburb, there would be a Target present.
I have shopped at Target.com and has gotten some very good deals on that website.
I am reading "For Hearing People Only" and I learned that pure ASL still has initialized signs. Look-at has a V sign that looks like you are motioning eyes looking at something. However, the V sign is actually an initialized V for "voir" which means to look in French.

Interesting. Probably already mentioned somewhere in AD, but still interesting nonetheless.

And yes I know I am not a hearing person... :D

Its called handshapes, not initialized :)
That I really, really hate driving the family around to look at Christmas lights.Son and hubby constantly bickering, mother muttering to herself, daughter telling everyone to "shut-up!" and MIL not telling me where to turn except at the last minute. Aahhhhhhhh!!!! $ hours of this and I feel like I went insane.
I have learned that our school is not the State Champs of the Class 2A Football Championships. However, we are runners up. We made it to the championship game but had our butts handed to us in the last quarter.
I am anxiously because conflict to reason serious diet pepsi! I try hard to fast bit stress!
I learned today that my Aunt has offered me a job to work with her and her husband on her farm. If USDA does not go as planned this may be my other choice.
I learned today that my Aunt has offered me a job to work with her and her husband on her farm. If USDA does not go as planned this may be my other choice.
What type of farm is it?
They have a full scale operating farm that includes cattle, pigs, chickens and a garden. I will be working in their chicken houses as they have built two new houses and will need the farm help. During off-season (which can last up to 3 months) I can help elsewhere on the farm where needed after the chicken houses are cleaned and repaired between batches of chickens. This happens annually on their farm.
i am very worst give up stress, I am very cool!
Well - today I learned that hubby will not be taking this job that would have had him gone for 3-6 months at a time. He feels that with his mother's health failing and everything else, he would be better to stay closer to home and all.
my grandma told me you calm down please i help grandma! supportive~
Your grandmother told you to calm down and not be so strung out. You are only creating more problems for yourself and therefore also causing worry for your grandmother. Go to bed, sleep. Then tomorrow go out and look for something productive to do keep your mind off of stressful things. Take up drawing, find a part-time job, volunteer at a nursing home. Something. You need something to occupy yourself. You are going crazy with nothing to do and in the process you are also driving everyone else crazy in the process. Please take your medication, go to counseling, and find something to keep you busy and focused on something besides worrying about everything.
Your grandmother told you to calm down and not be so strung out. You are only creating more problems for yourself and therefore also causing worry for your grandmother. Go to bed, sleep. Then tomorrow go out and look for something productive to do keep your mind off of stressful things. Take up drawing, find a part-time job, volunteer at a nursing home. Something. You need something to occupy yourself. You are going crazy with nothing to do and in the process you are also driving everyone else crazy in the process. Please take your medication, go to counseling, and find something to keep you busy and focused on something besides worrying about everything.

that is right wise important to focus on my health first worth medication is very help your control how do you feeling how much sleep and your mind think and your suffer tough i know not easy but seems weak my body, grandma told me i am doing well, she know me but cause really it very pretty extremely easy calm down! serious!! I have conflict to focus on my mind!
I learned that my college MWCC has to payments for 90 years to pay off from two wind farms! :shock:
I learned that Converse now makes work boots. My brother had a pair on today. They look like the All-Stars but they are brown leather with a sole that is beige and is a cross between a Converse All-Star sole and a Lugz sole. They look kind of interesting.
I learned that Converse now makes work boots. My brother had a pair on today. They look like the All-Stars but they are brown leather with a sole that is beige and is a cross between a Converse All-Star sole and a Lugz sole. They look kind of interesting.

I predict that it will last 2-3 jobs.
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