What did you learn today? Part II

That we poop 410 lbs of poop a year! I was trying to find out why dogs eat poop and read this!

some animals do this to cover up their scents so that predators won't find them. or... they're starving
I started to read that book many years ago, and I got so scared I hid it in the sofa cushions.

And then later when I went to find it, it was not there. That was creepy. It never turned up.


hold me, botti!
I started to read that book many years ago, and I got so scared I hid it in the sofa cushions.

And then later when I went to find it, it was not there. That was creepy. It never turned up.

I gotta read the book. I am sure it was better than the movie. The movie really freaked me out. I get scared more from those kinds of movies than movies about monsters because I know that a story that unfolded in "Cujo" can happen in real life.
I gotta read the book. I am sure it was better than the movie. The movie really freaked me out. I get scared more from those kinds of movies than movies about monsters because I know that a story that unfolded in "Cujo" can happen in real life.

I've got a shotgun and I'm even so scared that I just wanna hole up in a bank vault until they caught Cujo... preferably dead :cold:
I skills how learn my personal words learn positive mature I consider figure out my mind
people not expertiment to me "how I Do best hard I said no way, you don't can't anzlyzed look my mirror I said no way I said untwist I believe it

you don't believe me! I am nothing! I am very figure my mind my own skill building :hm:
I am sorry..hope you feel better!

Thank you :) I feel okay. Just missing them. We went out to their "grave" today. It is at the back of my SO's parents land (they have 10 acres, so it's way back!); a few years ago we buried all 4 of their ashes together at the same time, so from time to time we go back to visit the grave. I even have a rock that says "best friends" with a pawprint on it that marks the grave. Maybe a little bit kooky of me, but .. I am such a furmom :)
I've got a shotgun and I'm even so scared that I just wanna hole up in a bank vault until they caught Cujo... preferably dead :cold:

Have you seen the movie? The scary part was when Cujo first got rabies, he came out of the fog and barked at the little boy who was his owner but then disappeared into the fog. That was sooooo CREEEPY!
stranger I learn it on puzzled it prevent migraine I don't want to migrane I become will worst to headache!
I saw that movie "Cujo" many years ago, several times....would not suggest anyone under the age of 12 watch it, tho'....it's scary and makes you wonder if it could reallllly happen in real life.....animals with rabies are dangerous, but Cujo takes the cake!
Thank you :) I feel okay. Just missing them. We went out to their "grave" today. It is at the back of my SO's parents land (they have 10 acres, so it's way back!); a few years ago we buried all 4 of their ashes together at the same time, so from time to time we go back to visit the grave. I even have a rock that says "best friends" with a pawprint on it that marks the grave. Maybe a little bit kooky of me, but .. I am such a furmom :)

Have you seen the movie? The scary part was when Cujo first got rabies, he came out of the fog and barked at the little boy who was his owner but then disappeared into the fog. That was sooooo CREEEPY!

oh god.... now I'm thinking about Pet Sematary...
I addiction research find on AD forum pretty reading lots of interesting improve best :)
:lol: it does feel like it huh?

for a moment - yes :lol:

btw - my deepest condolence about your furkid. My dog's now 9 years old.... He's getting there, ya know?

on funny thought - he's wearing a sock.. yes the actual sock for human being because he's got swollen/infected thing on his paw so gotta take him to vet. he kept licking it, making it worse.
for a moment - yes :lol:

btw - my deepest condolence about your furkid. My dog's now 9 years old.... He's getting there, ya know?

on funny thought - he's wearing a sock.. yes the actual sock for human being because he's got swollen/infected thing on his paw so gotta take him to vet. he kept licking it, making it worse.

I hope his paw gets better. Do you know what's wrong?

I lost 2 dogs and 1 cat, all in 1 year. They all had terminal illnesses, none the same. What a rotten year. Then it was another year before I lost the last one. This was a few years ago, prolly during the time I took a long break from AD. So all 4 are buried together.

Now I've gone crazy and have 5 young cats lol.
I hope his paw gets better. Do you know what's wrong?
nope. just that the skin around toenail is swollen and it looks infected or irritated. Just need to get some ointment or whatever from vet.

I lost 2 dogs and 1 cat, all in 1 year. They all had terminal illnesses, none the same. What a rotten year. Then it was another year before I lost the last one. This was a few years ago, prolly during the time I took a long break from AD. So all 4 are buried together.

Now I've gone crazy and have 5 young cats lol.
oh my...
strong my medication is very pretty not work
I am puzzled it not work impossible sigh I am tough It is very anxious I wonder imperfect not funny I am figure out long 2 month jez almost 4 I was accept to positive I am willing I am very complication!