What did you learn today? Part II

It just means I can't tear meat up like a dog, I actually have to eat like a human. :lol::P

Are you a mutant? Or did you have them pulled for braces when you were a kid?
Are you a mutant? Or did you have them pulled for braces when you were a kid?

Had them pulled for braces when I was 15/16. Yeah I was a senior in high school and had braces. Boo.
I am learning that people seem to say "I don't know" frequently when I ask a question. It is very obvious they just do not want to take the time to try to answer my deaf self. I say PooPoo to you. Told my hubby it makes me feel not important enough to take the trouble. Anyone else get this?
I am learning that people seem to say "I don't know" frequently when I ask a question. It is very obvious they just do not want to take the time to try to answer my deaf self. I say PooPoo to you. Told my hubby it makes me feel not important enough to take the trouble. Anyone else get this?

I've had people not want to talk with me, but never had anyone knowingly pull this on me.
When this happens, I roll my eyes at the person an walk off and go to the next person. The eye rolling thing really irritates them as they know you are on to their laziness.
When this happens, I roll my eyes at the person an walk off and go to the next person. The eye rolling thing really irritates them as they know you are on to their laziness.

This is a close family member. At first it was kind of a joke. I would sign the letters IDK back to them everytime they do it. (I dont't know) it is not funny anymore:-:)aw:
Means you had three wisdom teeth pulled, or you are just an advanced life form??

Oops, I miscounted my teeth! :lol:

yes, I've had 4 wisdom taken out.

me too. I didn't want to forgo tooth extraction of my last wisdom tooth because it's impacted so it requires some cutting and sewing. nonononononononononono :nono:

I've had 4 taken out all at once! Less pain that way for me. You could have been put under out for the dental surgeon to remove the tooth, if you prefer.
I've had 4 taken out all at once! Less pain that way for me. You could have been put under out for the dental surgeon to remove the tooth, if you prefer.

it's not the pain during procedure I'm concerned about. it's just the post-op I don't wanna deal with cuz I know it'll take maybe a week for it to go away and that means 1-week of soup :lol:
it's not the pain during procedure I'm concerned about. it's just the post-op I don't wanna deal with cuz I know it'll take maybe a week for it to go away and that means 1-week of soup :lol:

Oh, that's not bad. No biggie. I ate some food when I was recovering.
Oh, that's not bad. No biggie. I ate some food when I was recovering.

my tooth is kinda like this (see below) so it's gonna be quite bloody and nasty.

it's not the pain during procedure I'm concerned about. it's just the post-op I don't wanna deal with cuz I know it'll take maybe a week for it to go away and that means 1-week of soup :lol:

Soup AND chocolate milkshakes! I think I existed on chocolate milkshakes for three days before transitioning to soup.

I had all four taken out at once. Really it wasn't too bad. I was glad to do it once and get it over with. Was completely knocked out during surgery, and that was probably a good thing.

The dentist recommended milkshakes because the cold mixture would help the swelling go down. I was happy to follow doctor's orders!
Soup AND chocolate milkshakes! I think I existed on chocolate milkshakes for three days before transitioning to soup.

I had all four taken out at once. Really it wasn't too bad. I was glad to do it once and get it over with. Was completely knocked out during surgery, and that was probably a good thing.

The dentist recommended milkshakes because the cold mixture would help the swelling go down. I was happy to follow doctor's orders!

Yes, but usually they also tell you not to use a straw.

Ouch, Jiro, that looks painful. My daughter had to have hers cut out because they were growing sideways like that. She was in a lot of pain. Puddings, ice-cream, jello, tofu, and mashed potatoes with cottage cheese were all she ate.
my tooth is kinda like this (see below) so it's gonna be quite bloody and nasty.


I had very similar wisdom teeth. They were gigantic and impacted. Had to be taken out by oral surgeon. The teeth were so big the surgeon had to cut them in half before extracting them, then he had to sew up the resulting cavity.

Honestly, it was really not bad. I had to eat soft foods for a couple days. Lots of agitation and a bit of bleeding, but I didn't take any pain meds, even though I was given codeine for it. If I can do it, so can you.

Just ask for a Valium before going into the surgery. You'll feel so good you won't give a damn what they do to you. Hah.
I also had to get a difficult tooth extracted and it was actually very stressful for both me and dentist. we took a break halfway through so we could both take a deep breath and this is one of the top dental surgeons in Montreal. It was a tooth that was too far filed down and thus, never adhered well to its cap (not this dentist's fault, it was a different dentist who fucked up). the dentist couldn't get a good grip on the whole tooth for most of it was inside my gum. He pretty much had to fish it out of my gum in bits and pieces. He was this close to putting his foot on my chair for additional leverage! This experience was far worse than all four root canals I've had.

Yeah, valium or a few shoots of liquor will help with the nerves.
I had to have surgery on my chin because it was receding for some reason. They had to saw the jaw in 2 different places, then re-position it and hold it with wires. So, since I was already "knocked out" for this surgery, they extracted the 4 wisdom teeth at the same time. Double whammy. I ate soup for a week. The pain pills worked great for the mouth, but I had a very, very, very sore throat from the tube they put in during surgery. THAT was the worst part of all. The pain pills didn't help much for that. Go figure.
Oh god... Oh god... Well I hope I'll never need to remove my tooth till my old age. I will have to if it's giving me a problem because it's partially exposed but so far no problem for now.