What did you do today? Part II

Botti, hope your knee mends well.

Today, I got my tax filed. Collected layby. Bought Burt's Bees Shampoo and Conditioner. Bought lotto ticket. Went to supermarket.

Did a small research for my niece. Sent off an polite message to Sunrise over their lack of captioning on videos online.

Now relaxing before I go to an acquaintance's The Body Shop party tonight.
just woke up.. had a good, long sleep and i don't feel sick anymore. getting cleaned up, eating, then going to the mall to get a few important things (trying to remember what.. sometimes i'm such a space cake)
Botti, hope your knee mends well.

Today, I got my tax filed. Collected layby. Bought Burt's Bees Shampoo and Conditioner. Bought lotto ticket. Went to supermarket.

Did a small research for my niece. Sent off an polite message to Sunrise over their lack of captioning on videos online.

Now relaxing before I go to an acquaintance's The Body Shop party tonight.

Thanks. I am getting much better. :)
Had a crappy day at work so I am happy to be at home.
Grocery shopping.. friend wants me to make chicken lemon soup and shepards pie for tomorrow
I helped the neighbor again with her organization of files, went to lunch with her, set up a Google account for her, then came home, dealt with MIL issues again regarding mopping (see Random Vents thread), fixed dinner and ate, made a quick video for hubby, and here I am.
Been cleaning the kitchen after SO and friends partied late into the night. The kitchen was mighty sticky. Jack Daniels will do that.
Deep cleaning my apartment today... Cleaning out my little food pantry, it's clogged with all the food I've been buying now that I have money again. No more ramen noodles! And I need a spice rack. Goddammit.
Work until 3 pm and then my hubby, son and I will go to my brother and his girlfriend's house for dinner and then soak in their outdoor hot tub with beer or wine. Might sleep over. Can't wait!
Downloading online statements. Getting caught up with some that I haven't downloaded for a while...monotonous.
Got to go to the store. That was big excitement. Now I have ham, chips, orange juice, and Udi gluten free bread.

I am exhausted! But considerably cheered as I thought I wouldn't be able to leave home for much longer.
At my friends stepsons football game right now.. so annoyed cuz there's bees everywhere
MIL had an early hair appointment, so I took her to that and she took me out to lunch. Got home and repotted some plants and watered the others. Killing time here and will have to go to the grocery soon. Nothing in house for dinner.
I went to work and did part of my laundry.
For my 3 free credit reports & pd for a crdit score from one of them. All adverse accounts are gone & the only bad mark on it is the bankruptcy itself which will stay on for another 1-1/2 years. My credit score just made it into the above average range.
That's the good news. The bad news is my electric budget was raised by $60/month to make sure I don't get hit with a huge bill at the end of the budget year (March). Hopefully my electric usage will not be as bad this winter as it was last year since the girl who was living with us has moved out. She was using a space heater all day @ night for her bird. That plus the hot water she used.
TCS, daughter, SIL, grandson, and I went with our church group to skeet shooting out in the country. We all had breakfast together, then went to the lodge. Beautiful weather, perfect for the outdoor activity. About 40 shooters showed up. We met some visitors, and shared our gear with them. It was lots of fun, and everyone had a great time. :)

I wasn't the best shot but I was the best dressed in my pink Realtree cammies, pink cap, and pink safety glasses. :giggle:

Even though I fired 50 shots, I didn't injure my finger like I did at practice. I think the padding I wore in my finger and the padding on the trigger guard did the trick. :thumb:
Even though I fired 50 shots, I didn't injure my figure like I did at practice. I think the padding I wore in my finger and the padding on the trigger guard did the trick. :thumb:

I'm glad you didn't injure your figure ;)
I keep throwing logs onto the bonfire. We have a sh*tload to burn. Been going since last night, and still going today. We had drunkards :lol: monitoring it overnight.