What did you do today? Part II


I'm sure they do. I don't dispute that but I wonder what their children think of it. Correct me if I'm wrong - didn't their first child or older daughter left them?

The one I know of got married and started her own family, but as far as I know, she still loves her family and they are close.

Even if she did, kids leave their families all the time for all kinds of reasons, people just like to focus on the religious, large family.

Years ago my husband was visiting his extended family- aunts, cousins, sisters, grandmothers. They were all sitting around telling him we were raising our children wrong, they would hate us and all leave the first chance they got. His family thinks we are too old fashioned and too religious.

My husband said, "We're not perfect, and kids are independent human beings, so maybe you are right. We just are doing the best we can. But even if you are right, lots of kids leave home the first chance they get, not just because they have old fashioned, religious parents."

They all stopped talking to him and got very still. He looked around and realized that every single person in that room had left home as teenagers, and most of them had children who had done the same- some of them as young as fourteen. All of them had been mad at their parents and tried to get out as soon as possible, and none of them were like us.

Our first five are now all over 20, and they not only did not leave the first chance they got, we are all still very close- and my husband's family do not seem happy about it. I think they wanted our kids to rebel just so they could tell us, "I told you so."
Well - got up 2 hours early to get to an eye appointment. Lordy, Lordy!! My new prescription is twice as strong as my current glasses. They also did the "refraction", "dilation" and I'm not sure what else. I had all these drops put into the eyes and they said it should clear in about 1-3 hours. Well, opthamologist then looked and freaked out. Seems, my eyes were really messed up after the drops. He had to drop in some cleaners and run cool water to flush them out. Turns out, I am allergic to the drops they used. This was at 8 this morning and here at 5pm, my eyes are still very sore. After managing to drive home, I had to go back out and take mother to the bank. Get home, fix lunch (no sharp knives involved), then went to the imaging place for an ultrasound after an abnormal mammogram. Nothing worth reporting. The technician and doctor saw nothing at all. I am home and about to beg for delivery of Chinese food for dinner.
Dropped my 15 yr. old off at the skateboarding park then went to Home Depot....God! I love that store....:giggle:...got Mulch, Concrete, Paint/brushes and more Flowers...have to go back Saturday for some bookcase shelves to be cut to the right dimensions....Gonna do some painting and staining later on late evening....
Snowing here today, ugh, but the perfect day to motivate me to buckle down and clear up the office work before heading to the sunny skies and heat of AZ. Screw you late-March snow! haha
I have just completed making the recovery discs for my new computer.
Hot day here in South Florida. Lady across the street had her 2 driveways power washed and it was dry within minutes due to the sun.

My kids are washed the window screens on the house and done all 13 of my MIL's windows, inside and out.

I have not felt good for a few days. Just totally washed out, so I've been taking it easy. Took MIL to the hairdresser and got my hair trimmed and the hairdresser wanted to French-braid my hair, so I let her. Wish I knew how to do that.
Rain for 2 days in N'east Florida.....went to visit a friend in drug rehab....stopped back by Home Depot....dropped off one son at a friend's house, they plan to go fishing tonight...another son is spending the night out also. Both be home tomorrow (last day of Spring Break here in Florida).....
Hot day here in South Florida. Lady across the street had her 2 driveways power washed and it was dry within minutes due to the sun.

My kids are washed the window screens on the house and done all 13 of my MIL's windows, inside and out.

I have not felt good for a few days. Just totally washed out, so I've been taking it easy. Took MIL to the hairdresser and got my hair trimmed and the hairdresser wanted to French-braid my hair, so I let her. Wish I knew how to do that.

I used to french braid my hair ... when I was much younger and didn't get tired and sore holding my arms up behind my head. I usually had to redo because I've never been real good at doing things w/my hair. I then switched to the biker's braid. Right now I have a very short layer cut. Nice to just run a quick comb through it and be done. (I too have thick heavy hair)
I want to attending go to job, I will go to plan do consider, I will soon expect not much on if suppose weeks may cause not spending not often alldeaf busy the time!! I was study lots of focus on research math important to wise job! I futures increase revolution best improve update lifetime i do best skills improve hard work, I want to peaceful and development to update positive,, I want to hard work effort, I want to best to effort, I do study, my family knew proud of me, I do wish be improve effort to me I want to positive, I appreciate highly to flexible to quiet to the hard work and busy times :) I do focus on required on important to job and math wise my development!
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Today off the HarbourFront-Cochlear Implant exercise -to a live 18 piece swing band. Today is from 2 to 4 pm. The right price: free.
Been outside by the river staining the outdoor furniture (chairs, dark mahogany) and spray painting some of the outdoor plant metal stands (pure white). Also cooking a Ham, and boiling eggs, gonna make some potato salad for dinner......The wind has picked up considerably, so have to hold off from spray painting until later this evening....but it's a beautiful day after all the rain for 2 days.....Waiting on my 17 yr. old to come home from fishing and see what he has caught!...Should have a fish dinner w/jalpeno hugh puppies tomorrow night.
Slept massively late. I usually get up at 7am, but today I slept until 10am. Got breakfast out of the way, then drove to gas station and got sticker shock ($4.05 a gallon), then drove south on interstate (faster time), got my groceries, then drove up one of the main roads but not interstate due to stress at store and with mother. Getting half-way home, all traffic got diverted off the road. I could see at least 10 Sheriff's cars, fire trucks and ambulances. Had to take a detour that added an extra 10 miles to my drive home. Well, finally got to check internet. It was a fatal motorcycle crash. Seems he was trying to zip[ through traffic and cut off a car. The car just barely tapped him, but he spun out of control and slid about 500 yards down the roadway. He died, motorcycle is toast and being scraped up with a construction bucket and couple who tapped him and so totally despondent, they were taken to hospital in shock. No damage to their car at all.

I am glad to be home, and I am so totally glad it was not Jiro here in FL for a visit. The plate on the bike, Jiro's state. Not good at all.
On my way to church (didn't make it) got caught up in traffic in the same spot for one hour, I turned back illegally and got off the freeway to visit my grandmother. After, I drove home to find more traffic and raining, something says, I should have stayed indoors.
whoot i am go to work soon, I ready go to job soon exciting :D impressive I will ready!!
Confirmed: More Cochlear Implant exercise-10 weeks-this time-Bachata/Cumbia.-night school - starting at 7.00 to 9.00
The past couple of weeks I have renewed some lapsed friendships. What a great feeling. :cool2:
I learn it how on balance :) figure out lose weight :P!! and keep lots water!
Well - at 12:01 AM, I wished my daughter a very Happy 18th Birthday. Then went to sleep. Since then, I have basically, paid bills, ordered refills on medicine for me, hubby and mother, took MIL to get her blood work done, then bank and then the grocery store. I still have to bake a cake. Hubby will be coming home sick from work soon, so I think I will make soup for dinner (lunch).
Did spot mowing when I got home from work. Just attacked the areas that had really tall grass (put the mower at its highest setting). I have such a mix of grasses/ground cover growing in my yard. When I win the MegaMillions, I'll have the yard dug up, graded & sodded. :)