What are you thinking about? Part V

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It was supposed to (forecast) but didn't. We'll see if tomorrow is true or not.

Hope the "somehow" weather will find a way to keep stalling the snow away! :lol:
Waiting on the cold front so I can stop wearing my shorts. Hurry up and get here!
Im ready to pull out my AE pullover! I'm ready to have some fall fun.
Got all our bedding.comforters/blankets washed and ready over the past weekend....but I ain't gonna give up my bermuda shorts!....Even if I have to wear a jacket, the shorts and flip-flops remain....so far, we're having beautiful October weather, in the high 70's.....our nights are a lot cooler, tho'.
I'm thinking about the comment my aunt made today that irked me.

She asked me if my mom was coming with me to my appointment with the audiologist tomorrow.

I simply replied "No, just me, myself, and I".

But it's bothered me for the rest of the day. Why? Because appearently I think she thinks that I am dependent on my mom and that my mom goes with me everywhere I go. Maybe she feels the urge to 'baby' me because of my hearing status, somehow equating it with my ability to do for myself.

Yes I live at home, but that doesn't mean I am incapable. I noticed this kind of thinking from my dad a long time ago, but now I am beginning to think my aunt (who is my boss) also has the same mindset. I remember she even acted surprised when I went to Louisiana on my own with a friend. I drove the whole way, booked the hotel, paid for it, everything.


Tell her an answer she wants to hear like this "yea I think so" and that's that. Everybody's happy. You didn't exactly say yes. It's a maybe so you aren't lying to her :)
I'm thinking about the comment my aunt made today that irked me.

She asked me if my mom was coming with me to my appointment with the audiologist tomorrow.

I simply replied "No, just me, myself, and I".

But it's bothered me for the rest of the day. Why? Because appearently I think she thinks that I am dependent on my mom and that my mom goes with me everywhere I go. Maybe she feels the urge to 'baby' me because of my hearing status, somehow equating it with my ability to do for myself.

Yes I live at home, but that doesn't mean I am incapable. I noticed this kind of thinking from my dad a long time ago, but now I am beginning to think my aunt (who is my boss) also has the same mindset. I remember she even acted surprised when I went to Louisiana on my own with a friend. I drove the whole way, booked the hotel, paid for it, everything.


My stepmother found out this afternoon about my bad fall of a week ago, and wanted to know every detail about the doctor and everything done and said.

My husband said obviously she thinks she would be much better at taking care of me than he is, and we have been married over 30 years.

It probably won't end with your older relatives, so just learn to laugh (behind their backs of course) and go along with it.
Thinking how much easier running has gotten again...I can run up to 3 miles without getting out of breath. Hopefully, I can go up to 5 miles by the end of spring. Then set my next challenge.
I cant waait for the unlimited internet to be hooked up within few weeks so I can play PS3 games soon on my 56 inches TV
I cant waait for the unlimited internet to be hooked up within few weeks so I can play PS3 games soon on my 56 inches TV

Does it take a long time in Australia to get internet service?
Wirelessly posted

I am thinking of San Diego!!
Does it take a long time in Australia to get internet service?
As it is a new connection, yes, it takes a bit to get it connected.
it will not be ready until 11th November -.-
be 10 degrees low tomorrow, and 40 for high with 3 inches of snow. BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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