What are you thinking about? Part V

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yes they are there but do you see the reply box in there???

I see that now! I hate to say so, but those were becoming so rude and hurtful that it may be a good idea.
I see that now! I hate to say so, but those were becoming so rude and hurtful that it may be a good idea.

yeah like i didnt see that i picked the wrong image that was hurtful. I asked one of mod to remove this soon. so guess we can make up fun threads for tonight. :D

Guess I need to go out and run for a while .. i will check it tonight. :wave:
ah it's about time! for the past couple months, I've been wondering when will Political Section will get axed along with Religion Thread because it's clearly driving AD apart.

It's a damn shame that a couple of ADers have caused a great deal of grief and unnecessary trouble.... incapable of having a discussion in a simple manner. You know who you are. Shame on you for making a free society more restrictive.

yeah this is how i feel about what jiro said. :D
Glad for meditation and metta practices. And a Scotch at the end of the day. :cool2:
Im thinking about why this old bastard was holdin the traffic b/c he was on the damn road ridin his scooter/wheelchair.(whatever ya call it). He did at worst possible time,after 5:30pm. The road's connected to the main road. It was in area of senior apartments and I didnt see any sidewalks..next time that happens, someone should call the cops on his old ass.
I am thinking about how lost and alone I feel at times. We went to the local deaf coffee social tonight. I can not communicate in the hearing world, and I can not communicate in the deaf world. I need an ASL tutor so badly. I left the coffee social in tears.
just resigned from a local forum because they were being bullies,i just thinking why people like that i felt very hurt by them
That it's time to practice some ASL again, since we finished classes 6/27. Something we can do more of at the moment, with my husband around right now. :P
Thinking that since not much is going on online, I will just get back to reading my book.
I see that now! I hate to say so, but those were becoming so rude and hurtful that it may be a good idea.

it is troubles on avoid on debate, stupid! hurt on upset you are correct, i neturall cool! I hand out! :) I am peace off :wave:

That is not funny!
it is troubles on avoid on debate, stupid! hurt on upset you are correct, i neturall cool! I hand out! :) I am peace off :wave:

That is not funny!

True. I notice it is more peaceful without all the debate, and maybe eventually we can have more nice conversations with lots of people here like we used to.
True. I notice it is more peaceful without all the debate, and maybe eventually we can have more nice conversations with lots of people here like we used to.

Wouldn't that be nice!
Thinking that my usual pc gaming style of playing with my headphones up LOUD is not the best way to be playing Amnesia: The Dark Descent...
Thinking why in the hell did I just drink a Red Bull? Now I know I won't get any sleep.. Well I don't sleep much anyway haha.
to get rid of some j.w.i said i go to their kingdom hall,i soooooooooooooooooooooooo regret saying that they got signer in for me...i trying to think of any illness family crisis to get out of 2hrs of misery
Wirelessly posted

How beautiful the sky was, looking up through the leaves of our silk tree earlier this morning. I noticed that the narrow leaves/fronds expand in daylight and contract at night. Nature is awesome! ;) Beauty to see if I pay attention and look. :mrgreen:
The dead 42" plasma tv sitting in my living room. It's almost almost 5 years old.
Since I don't have the same preferences as my husband had when it comes to TV's, I'll probably buy a smaller one to save $$.

Are plasmas better than LCDs? Any particular brands I should avlid.
Which stores are likely to offer to remove the old one?
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