What are you thinking about? Part V

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Steve Jobs, Al Davis....

My next call: Zsa Zsa.
Thinking how lazy I am today at work...lol
thinking about how gross tequila is.. tastes like death
brrrrrrr!...The river looking grey & angry, very choppy. We had a bad rain storm twice today, it's very windy and chilllllly willllly ....
I bought a new scarecrow to sit at my front door and a cute trick-or-treat sign to hang on the door. Funny, I've never been interested in this kind of "decor" but something got me domestic this year !!! :lol:
Me too, Alley...unfortunately, the witch I have on a stand in the flower garden (by the river), she flew away!...Not on a broomstick, but the wind....found her rolling down by the river side... :giggle:

You may have to hitch her down to something. I've been wondering kind of the same myself if the first rainstorm or wind would carry the scarecrow away. It's not heavy at all.

You may have to hitch her down to something. I've been wondering kind of the same myself if the first rainstorm or wind would carry the scarecrow away. It's not heavy at all.

Well...thought about doing what was done in the "old days"...burning her at the stake!....:giggle:...but we came up with another idea...duct tape...so far, she's "hanging on"....wind has gone down somewhat, so maybe she will stick around for awhile...Her purple wig is a hairdresser's nightmare! And her black dress is in tatters....trying to show her azz...no doubt!

Who knows?...Once that old buzzard that sleeps in the old tree right there on the river gives her the "winking eye"...she'll probably be gone again. :giggle:
I am thinking about how things will go during church services tomorrow. I'm responsible for running the multimedia/projector screen for the sermon. :shock: I'm not completely computer illiterate but this is something that if I screw up, at least 300 people are going to know.
Thinking that no matter how much try to save for a rainy day, something always comes up that needs to be paid for. We had an engineer come by to check the structure of the front porch..learned that the pillars are all dry rot. Will cost us $3K to get it fixed. Grrr!
ugh the heat is back again.. when will it start being cold outside?? i can't wait to start wearing my new boots and leather jacket
ugh the heat is back again.. when will it start being cold outside?? i can't wait to start wearing my new boots and leather jacket

I wish the same, except that I want to wear my Jets hooded sweatshirt jacket and new clogs.
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